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Elizabeth Barry (1658-1713)

 Elizabeth Barry (1658-1713)

Elizabeth Barry is recognized as one of the most influential *tragic actresses* of the time. Although Elizabeth was born into a rich royalist family, she was raised by *Sir William and Henrietta Davenant*. Her family was forced to give her away at a young age, after losing their wealth. At the age of seventeen, Elizabeth debuted in *Thomas Otway’s, Alcibiades.*. Otway eventually fired her due to her lack of acting skills. It was not until she met her love, *the Earl of Rochester* that she began to take her career seriously and became a notable comedienne. After taking acting lessons from the Earl of Rochester, Barry was able to make a comeback in the play *Mustapha*, where she played the queen of Hungary. She later developed into a determined tragic actress inspiring famous playwright *Thomas Otway*. Elizabeth portrayed a “desirable orphan,” in Otway’s Orphan. This particular role is said to have made Elizabeth famous. She is also known for her roles in *The Fatal Marriage* and *Venice Preserved.* Elizabeth portrayed such deep emotions on stage, she often times brought the audience to tears. *According to Thomas Betterton, an English actor, “Elizabeth’s acting gave success to plays that would disgust the most patient reader.”*. Portraits depict Elizabeth as a sharp, very plain heavy set woman. After birthing two children with *Lord Rochester and Sir George Etheredge*, Elizabeth officially retired in 1709. Never married, she died November 7th, 1713.

Elizabeth Barry (1658-1713) Elizabeth Barry (1658-1713) Reviewed by Debjeet on December 31, 2022 Rating: 5

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