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1. Forest of Arden appears in the play -

- As You Like It

2. Who is the author of Steel Glass?

- Gascoigne

3. In which year was the Globe Theatre built?

- 1599

4. Shakespeare's Sonnets were first published in

- 1609

5. Who was the author of Endymion?

- John Lyly

6. Who is the author of Venus and Adonis?

- Shakespeare

7. How many plays did Shakespeare write in all?

- 37

8. When Sidney died, Spenser wrote an elegy on his

death. Which of the following?

- Astrophel

9. Spenser's Epithalamion is

- a wedding hymn

10. Spenser's Amoretti is

- a collection of his love s sonnets

11. Spenser wrote a series of sonnets in honor of his

lady love, Elizabeth Boyle, whom he later married.

What title did he give to this series?

- Amoretti

12. Roister Doister is believed to be the first real

comedy in English. Who wrote it?

- Nicholas Udall

13. Gorboduc is believed to be our first real tragedy.

It was written in collaboration by:

- Thomas Sackville and Thomas Norton

14. The first tragedy Gorboduc was later entitled:

- Ferrex and Porrex

15. Sidney's Apologie for Poetrie is a reply to:

- Gosson's School of Abuse

16. In his Apologie for Poetrie, Sidney:

- defends the Three Dramatic Unities

17. –––– has written only Tragedies.

- Marlowe

18. "Was this the face that launched a thousand ships?" In which play does this line occur?

- Marlowe's Dr. Faustus

19. Who used the phrase 'Marlowe's mighty line' for Marlowe's Blank Verse?

- Ben Jonson

20. Who said, "Shakespeare has only heroines and no heroes”?

- Ruskin

21. For what is the phrase 'The Mousetrap' used by Shakespeare?

- The play within the play in Hamlet

22. Spenser dedicates the Preface to The Faerie

Queene to :

- Sir Walter Raleigh

23. The Faerie Queene is an allegory. In this Queen Elizabeth is allegorized through the character of:

- Gloriana

24. Who calls Spenser the 'Poets' Poet’?

- Charles Lamb

25. In which work did Spenser first use the Spenserian stanza?

- Faerie Queene

26. In the original scheme or plan of the Faerie Queene as designed by Spenser, it was to be completed in:

- Twelve Books

27. How many Cantos are there in Book I of the Faerie Queene?

- Twelve

28. In the complete plan of the Allegory in the Faerie Queene, Spenser designed to have twelve books in it, but

he could not complete the whole plan. How many Books now exist?

- Six

29. In the Dedicatory Letter, Spenser Says that the real beginning of the allegory in the Faerie Queene is to be

found in:

- Book XI I

30. The Faerie Queene is basically a moral allegory. From whom did Spenser derive this concept of moral


- Aristotle

31. 'Spenser writ no language.' Who said this?

- Ben Jonson

32. Spenser divided his Shepheardes Calender into twelve Ecologies. Why did he do so?

- Because there are twelve months in a year

33. Who is the author of The New Atlantis?

- Bacon

34. Bacon's Essays are modelled on the Essais of:

- Montaigne

35. Who is the author of Novum Organum?

- Bacon

36. To whom does Spenser dedicate his Shepheardes Calendar?

- Sir Philip Sidney

37. How many Essays were published in Bacon's First Edition of Essays in 1597?

- Ten

38. How many essays of Bacon were published in his third and last edition of Essays in 1625?

- 58

39. "......... a mixture of falsehood is like alloy in coin of gold and silver, which may make the metal work the

better, but it embaseth it". In which essay of Bacon do these lines occur?

- Of Truth

40. "A place showeth the man and it showeth some to the better, and some to the worse." In which essay of

Bacon do these lines occur?

- Of Great Place

41. "Frailty thy name is a woman." Who says this?

- Hamlet

42. "Life is a tale, told by an idiot,

Full of sound and fury

signifying nothing."

In which play do the se lines occur?

- Macbeth

43. "This royal throne of kings, this scepter'd isle

This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars

This other Eden, demi-paradise ....."

These highly patriotic lines are spoke n by:

- John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster

44. "The lunatic, the lover, and the poet,

Are of imagination all compact."

In which play do these lines occ ur?

- A Mid - Summer Night's Dream

45. "Neither a borrower nor a lender be:

- Polonius (Hamlet)

46. "We are such stuff

As dreams are made o n, and our little life

Is rounded with a sleep"

Who speaks these lines?

- Prospero

47. "Life is but a walking shadow, a poor player,

That struts and frets his hour upon the stage

And then is heard no more."

In which play do these lines occur?

- Macbeth

48. "Others abide our question. Thou art free,

We ask and ask - thou smilest and art still

Out-topping knowledge."

These lines are written about Shakespeare. Who

was written them?

- Matthew Arnold

49. Shakespeare is called 'The Bard of Avon'. Why is he so-called?

- Shakespeare was born at Stratford on the banks

of the river Avon

50. Ben Jonson's comedies are called 'Comedies of Humour'. Why?

- Each of them deals with a particu


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