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From Chaucer to Milton (MCQ)

 From Chaucer to Milton

1. Who called Spenser the father of English poetry? - *Arnold*

2. The dialect that Chaucer used was- *East Midland.*

3. The total number of pilgrims in the Canterbury tales is – *29.*

4. The name of the fictional inn where the pilgrims in the Canterbury tales met is - *Tabard.*

5. What is the reward suggested by Harry Bailey, the host of the pilgrims and judge of the stories, for the best story told by the pilgrims? - *the rest of the pilgrims were to offer a supper*

6. Who is Lowes talking about in the following line – ‘He found English a dialect and left it a language’? - *Chaucer*

7. Who described Chaucer as the well of English undefiled? - *Spenser*

8. What quality of Chaucer does the phrase the well of English undefiled refers to? - *His avoidance of foreign influences*

9. Who introduced the heroic couplet into English? - *Chaucer*

10. Why is Chaucer known as the earliest of the great moderns? -

*because of his - realism, humor and rejection of medical conventions (all three)*

11. Why did W J Long call the prologue to the Canterbury tales “ The Prologue to Modern Fiction”? - *because of its narrative unity.*

12. According to Arnold, what is lacking in Chaucer? - *The lyric quality.*

13. Who was the poet that lived during the periods of Edward II Richard II and Henry IV? - *Chaucer*

14. Who was known as the morning star of reformation?- *John Wycliffe*

15. Which is the month in which groups of pilgrims used to march towards the Canterbury?- *April*

16. Who is the twentieth-century poet that alluded to “April” in one of his poems? - *T S Eliot*

17. Arnold’s judgment of Chaucer is that Chaucer was - *not as great as the classicists*

18. Lollards are the followers of protestant and reformation leader- *John Wycliffe*

19. Who was the first translator the bible into English? - *John Wycliffe*

20. Which version of the bible did Wycliffe make use of the translation? – *Latin.*

21. The war of the roses took place from - *1455-85*

22. Why is the war of the roses known by that name? - *The two rival factions had roses (red and white)*

23. Valentine and Proteus are- *the gentlemen in the two gentlemen of Verona.*

24. William Caxton printed History of Troy....the first book in English in the year- *1474*

25. Who was the first translator of Virgil’s works into English? - *Gawain Douglas.*

26. Henry Vaughan was influenced by - *George Herbert*

27. Romantic movement had its antecedents in - *the 15th Century Ballad.*

28. Who wrote the following- ‘stone walls do not a prison make/nor iron bars a cage’? — *Richard Lovelace*

29. Who first employed the blank verse? - *Sackville and Norton*

30. Who is the proponent of the geocentric theory? – *Ptolemy.*

31. Whom did Legouis criticize as one who weights ‘charming verses on nothing’? - *John Suckling.*

32. Which poet expressed surprise at his having loved one woman for three whole days together? – *Suckling*

33. Henry VII the patron of education came to the throne in - *1485.*

34. Thomas More’s Utopia was published in *1516*

35. Utopia appeared in English translation in the year- *1551*

36. ......... is described as the true prologue to the Renaissance- *Utopia*

37. Cromwell, the dictator, was said to have been influenced by The Prince

38. ‘Book of Martyrs’ which is about the killings by the Catholic Queen

Mary was written by? - *George Foxe*

39. Which of the following Catholic dictator was succeeded by his/her step sister Elizabeth? - *Mary*

40. The Kingdom of Nowhere is the other name of - *Utopia*

41. Which of the following written plays are all tragedies? - *Marlowe*

42. Who wrote Donne for not keeping of accent deserved hanging? - *Ben Jonson*

43. Who headed the puritan government that was formed after the hanging of Charles I? - *Cromwell*

44. Who wrote the following about Milton....... ‘He is admirable as Virgil

or Dante and in this respect, he is unique among us. None else in English literature possess the like distinction’? – *Arnold*

45. Out of the twenty complete and four incomplete stories of Chaucer, what is common between the tale of Melibens and the Parson’s Tale? - *These two are the only tales told in prose.*

46. Name the story that Chaucer told during the pilgrimage - *Tale of Melibens.*

47. Arnold wrote, with him is born our real poetry, who does “him” refer to? – *Chaucer*

48. Arnold, in his The Study of Poetry, estimated Chaucer in terms of - *Real Estimation*

49. What does Shakespeare refer to in these lines?-

This royal throne of kings, this sceptred isle,

This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars,

This other Eden, demi-paradise,

This fortress built by Nature for herself

Against infection and the hand of war,

This happy breed of men, this little world,

This precious stone set in the silver sea,

Which serves it in the office of a wall

Or as a moat defensive to a house,

Against the envy of less happier lands,-- *England*

50. Spenser is known as the poet’s poet, who called him so? - *Charles Lamb*

51. In which of his poems did Spenser celebrate his love? - *Amoretti*

52. Spenser wrote a poem in honor of his marriage, identify it- *Epithalamion*

53. Spenser wrote a preface to the Faerie Queene, in the form of a letter, who is his letter addressed? - *Sir Walter Ralegh*

54. Prince Arthur, the hero in the Faerie Queene, is to marry....in the end - *Gloriana.*

55. The Faerie Queene is an allegory, in this poem Elizabeth is allegorised through the character of – *Gloriana*

56. Spenser wrote an elegy entitled Astrophel. Whom did he commemorate in this elegy? – *Sidney*

57. The following is known as the first monument of modern socialism- *Utopia*

58. William Tyndale, who followed the original Greek and Hebrew for his translation of the Bible, got it published in - *1522.*

59. The authorized version of the Bible (1611) is based on- *Tyndale’s Translation*

60. Thomas Wyatt is associated with- *the sonnet.*

61. Who is being referred to in the expression of Spenser’s Gloriana, Releigh’s Cynthia, and Shakespeare’s fair Vestal? - *Elizabeth*

62. Spanish armada was defeated in – *1588*

63. The great East India Company was founded in – *1599.*

64. Which period of England was Milton talking about in the following

line- a noble and puissant nation, rousing herself, like a strong man after sleep and shaking her invincible locks.’- *Elizabethan*

65. In which of Shakespeare’s plays do these lines figure- ‘the lunatic, the lover and the poet are of imagination all compact’? - *Midsummer Night’s Dream*

66. The authorized bible was dedicated to - *James I*

67. More’s Utopia shows the influence of - *Plato’s Republic*

68. Bacon's New Atlantis, which shows the influence of Plato’s Republic, has the spirit of the Renaissance- *Yes*

69. The Elizabethan prose writer John Lily’s ‘Euphues’ gave birth to the word ‘euphuism’ because of his ornate style and mechanical devices - *Yes*

70. The hero in Spenser’s Faerie Queene is - *Prince Arthur*

From Chaucer to Milton (MCQ) From Chaucer to Milton (MCQ) Reviewed by Debjeet on December 29, 2022 Rating: 5

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