1. Who of the following made a decisive break between language and
A) F R Leavis
B) T S Eliot
C) I A Richards
D) William Empson
2. Which of the following books has made a close study of literature by
isolating the text from history and context?
A) Seven Types of Ambiguity
B) Practical Criticism
C) Romantic Image
D) Revaluations
3) For F R Leavis, which of the following books is a highly disturbing
because it uses intelligence on poetry as seriously as if it were
A) Seven Types of Ambiguity
B) Scrutiny
C) English Critical Texts
D) The Function of Criticism at the Present Time
4) Empson identified seven different types of verbal difficulty in______
A) Novel
B) Drama
C) Poetry
D) All the above
5) Salient features of Liberal Humanism_____
1) The meaning within the text itself does not contain any background of
politics, history, and autobiography.
2) It shows readers the truth about nature
3) Literature should always be disinterested and it should never have an
overt agenda of trying to change
4) Literature should be true to experience and the human condition
The correct answer is-
A) 1, 2, and 3 correct
B) Only 3 correct
C) 1 and 4 correct
D) All correct
6) ‘Close Reading’ sprang from the work of____
A) F R Leavis
B) T S Eliot
C) William Empson
D) Mathew Arnold
7) The approach of Liberal Humanism is focused on_____
1) Language
2) Philosophy
3) History
4) Context
The correct answer is:
A) 1 and 3 correct
B) 2 and 3 correct
C) 3 and 4 correct
D) All correct
8) Which of the following is NOT correct about New Criticism
A) Close analysis of a text
B) Concentration on short lyric poems
C) Assumptions about the author’s intention
D) Pure objective attitude
9) Match the following:
1. I A Richards a) The New Criticism
2. J C Ransom b) The Seven Types of Ambiguity
3. William Empson c) The Principles of Literary Criticism
4. Cleanth Brooks d) The Language of Paradox
1 2 3 4
A) a b d c
B) c a b d
C) a b c d
D) c d b c
10) Match the following
1. Kenneth Brookes a) Gestures
2. Allen Tate b) Ambiguity
3. William Simpson c) Symbolic Action
4. R P Warren d) Tension
5. R P Blackmur e) Irony
1 2 3 4 5
A) a d b c e
B) c b d e a
C) b e c d a
D) a b c e d
E) c d b e a
11) Who called New Criticism ‘the lemon squeezer school of
A) Virginia Woolf
B) T S Eliot
C) E M Forster
D) I A Ricard
12) Which critic has divided poetry into three kinds – ‘Physical Poetry’,
‘Platonic Poetry’ and ‘Bogus Poetry’?
A) I A Richards
B) T S Eliot
C) J C Ransom
D) F R Leavis
13) The central figure in the study of structuralism is____
A) Roland Barthes
B) Jacques Lacan
C) Ferdinand de Saussure
D) Claude Levi-Strauss
14) Match the following
1. Signifier a) The actual day-to-day use made of that system by an
individual speaker
2. Signified b) A sound or acoustic component
3. Langue c) A mental or conceptual component
4. Parole d) A theoretical system or structure of a language
1 2 3 4
A) a b d c
B) b c d a
C) d c b a
D) b a d c
15) Find out the INCORRECT statement about structuralism
A) An intellectual movement began in Germany
B) It was imported into Britain in the 1970s
C) Things are seen in the context of the larger structures they are part of
D) Meaning is not core inside things
16) A) Assertion: Post-structuralism is not a continuation of
structuralism and is a rebellion against it
B) Reason: Structuralists do not follow through with the implications of the
views about the language on which their intellectual system is based
A) Only A is correct
B) A and B both are incorrect
C) Only B is correct
D) A and B are correct
17) The idea ‘Mytheme’ is posited by-
A) Northrop Frye
B) Leslie Fiedler
C) Levi-Strauss
D) J G Frazer
18) Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about structuralism-
A) Roland Barthes is a well-known practitioner of structuralism
B) It is strong in narratology
C) It shows interest in interpreting what literary works mean in
explaining how they can mean what they mean.
D) Study of the ‘text’ in an objective structure activating various codes
and convention which is independent of the author.
19) The anthropologist Claude Levi Strauss applied the structuralist
outlook to the interpretation of---
A) Myth
B) Culture
C) Society
D) Nature
20) A) Assertion: Jonathan Culler believed language is arbitrary,
traditional and constitutive
B) Reason: Language a model of a system that is self-contained in
which individual items relate to other items and thus create larger
A) Only A is correct
B) A and B are incorrect
C) Only B is correct
D) A and B are correct
21) Who said – “There are no facts, only interpretations”?
A) Roland Barthes
B) Jacques Derrida
C) Nietzsche Friedrich
D) Jacques Lacan
22) A theory of structuralist poetics is developed by_
A) Roland Barthes
B) Jonathan Culler
C) Ferdinand-de-Saussure
D) Claude Levi Strauss
23) Credit to bridge the structuralist and post-structuralist movements
goes to___
A) Roland Barthes
B) Jacques Derrida
C) Michael Foucault
D) Louis Althusser
24) In ‘The Death of the Author’ Roland Barthes announces___
A) Radical textual independence
B) The text is a tree by its very nature of all such restraints
C) The death of the author is the birth of a reader
D) Limited free play of meanings is essential in structuralism
A) B, C, and D Correct
B) A, B, and C are correct
C) C and D are incorrect
D) All are correct
25) Who says, “Deconstruction is not a hedonistic abandonment of all
restraint, but a disciplined identification and dismantling of the sources
of textual power”?
A) Nietzsche Friedrich
B) Roland Barthes
C) Barbara Johnson
D) Jacques Derrida
26) Who made a distinction between a text as readable and unreadable?
A) Julia Kristeva
B) John Searle
C) Roland Barthes
D) H P Grice
27) Paul de Man applied deconstruction to___
A) Literary text
B) Reading of Literary text
C) Interpretation of Literary text
D) Philosophy
28) Barbara Johnson has applied deconstruction theory to____
A) Reading of Literary texts
B) Writings of Derrida
C) Psychology
D) Writings of other deconstructionists
A) Only A is correct
B) A and B are correct
C) A, B and C are correct
D) A, B and D are correct
29) Match the following
1. Jacques Derrida A) French
2. Martin Heidegger B) America
3. J Hillis Miller C) Germany
4. Ferdinand de Saussure D) Switzerland
1 2 3 4
A) A B C D
B) C B D A
C) A C B D
D) D C B A
31) The term ‘New Criticism’ was first used by-
A) Herold Bloom
B) T S Eliot
C) J E Spingarn
D) Cleanth Brooks
32) Who calls the term ‘Objective Correlative’ as ‘Organic Metaphor’?
A) I A Richards
B) Cleanth Brooks
C) Harold Bloom
D) R S Crane
33) Who has stated that “all reading is necessarily misreading”?
A) J H Miller
B) Jacques Derrida
C) Martin Heidegger
D) Jonathan Culler
34) Who proclaimed ‘I think, therefore I am’?
A) Lacan
B) Freud
C) Descartes
D) Felman
35) Who proclaimed ‘I am where I think not’?
A) Descartes
B) Freud
C) Lacan
D) None of the above
36) Which of the following sentences is NOT TRUE?
A) The theory of ‘Mirror Stage’ propounded by Lacan
B) Freud is supposed the father of the concept ‘Mirror stage’ in which he
explains how child psychologically gets developed by seeing himself in
the mirror
C) The child conceives itself as a unified beig by seeing in the mirror
D) At mirror stage the child enters the language system
37) Feminist Criticism is
1) A women’s movement of the 1960s which views western culture as
2) Concerned to the depiction of only women and not men
3) Dealt with women’s picture by women writers
4) Exposed problems of women’s inequality in society with solution
A) 1, 2 and 4 are correct
B) 2 is correct
C) 4 is correct
D) 2 is incorrect
38) Who explained the terms – ‘feminist’, ‘female’, and ‘feminine’?
A) Elaine Showalter
B) Mod Bodkin
C) Tori Moi
D) Kate Millet
39) Match the following:
1. Mary Wollstonecraft A) Psychoanalysis and Feminism
2. Kate Millet B) The Second Sex
3. Juliet Mitchell C) Sexual Politics
4. Simon de Beauvoir D) A Vindication of the Rights of Women
1 2 3 4
A) A B C D
B) D A C B
C) D C A B
D) D A C B
40) Who of the following has criticized male writers such as John
Milton, Alexander Pope, and Rousseau for unequal treatment given to
women for education, marriage, motherhood, etc.?
A) Kate Millett
B) J S Mill
C) Mary Wollstonecraft
D) Simon-de-Beauvoir
41) In ‘Sexual Politics’ Kate Millett observes men manipulate power.
Who are the writers of the following to whom she refers?
A) James Joyce, T S Eliot, W B Yeats and Graham Greene
B) D H Lawrence, Henry Miller, Norman Miller, and Sean Genet
C) John Whiting, Shelagh Delaney, Bertrand Russel, and Julian Huxley
D) William Hudson, Henry Williamson, Hilaire Belloc and Obsert Sitnell
42) Match the following:
1. Misgony A) Hatred, contempt, and prejudice against women
2. Gender Binary B) Classification of sex and gender as opposite and
disconnected forms of masculine and feminine
3. Heteronormativity C) The belief that people fall into distinct and
complementary genders.
4. Androcentrism D) The practice of placing a masculine point of view at
the center of one’s worldview, culture, and history thereby culturally
marginalizing feminity.
1 2 3 4
A) C D B A
B) A B D C
C) C D A B
D) A B C D
43) Match the following:
1. Performativity A) Elaine Showalter
2. Phallogocentrism B) Helene Cixous
3. Gynocriticism C) J L Austin
4. Ecriture femine D) Jacques Derrida
1 2 3 4
A) C D A B
B) D C A B
C) A B C D
D) D C B A
44) Match the following:
1. Gynophobia A) Felling unsure about one’s sexual orientation
2. Questioning B) Fear and loathing of women as a sexual being
3. Womanspeak C) Contrast between male/female sexual pleasure
4. Hysteria D) Characteristic of being over-emotional
1 2 3 4
A) A D C B
B) B A C D
C) C B D A
D) A B C D
45) The term ‘Ecriture Feminine’ appears in
A) The Laugh of Medusa
B) Sexual Linguistics: Gender, Language, and Sexuality
C) A Literature of Their Own
D) Women and Fiction
46) Who defended Sigmund Freud, after Milett’s attack upon him as a the chief source of the patriarchal attitude against women?
A) Simon-de-Beauvoir
B) Jane Gallop
C) Juliet Mitchell
D) Elaine Showalter
47) The term ‘Social Castration’ is propounded by-
A) Kate Millett and Jane Gallop
B) Sandra Gilbert and Susan Gubar
C) Sandra Gilbert and Kate Millet
D) Jacqueline Rose and Sandra Gilbert
48) Who of the following analyzed phallus as a symbol of power and
not as the physical biological object?
A) Sigmund Freud
B) Carl Jung
C) Jacques Lacan
D) Jane Gallop
49) The object of Marxism is___
A) To create a classless society
B) To explain things assuming the existence of a world or of forces
beyond the natural world around us.
C) to look for concrete, scientific and logical explanation of the world of
observable facts
D) To seek alterations in the world to bring about progress
A) A, B and C are correct
B) Only B is correct
C) A, C and D are correct
4) All the above are correct.
50) Which of the following Marxism stressed the necessary freedom of
art from direct political determinism?
A) Roy's Marxism
B) Leninist Marxism
C) Engelsian Marxism
D) Vulgar Marxism
51) Which of the following types of Marxist criticism insisted that
literature must become an instrument of the party?
A) Leninist Marxist
B) Engelsian Marxism
C) Roy Marxism
D) Vulgar Marxism
52) The term ‘defamiliarization’ is developed by____
A) Boris Tomashevsky
B) Boris Eichenbaum
C) Victor Shklovsky
D) Roman Jacobson
53) The following critics are the Russian Formalists. Pick the odd one
A) Victor Shklovsy
B) Boris Eichenbaum
C) Boris Tomashevsky
D) Louis Althusser
54) Which of the following is NOT a member of the ‘Prague Linguistic
A) Roman Jacobson
B) Jan Mukarvsky
C) Theodor Adorno
D) Rene Welleck
55) Which of the following Marxist Criticism terms is NOT developed by
Louis Althusser?
A) Overdeterminism
B) Relative Autonomy
C) Ideology
D) Hegemony
56) Match the following
Marxist Terms Meaning
1. Relative autonomy A) Structures that have no essence or focus or center
2. Decentering B) The view that in spite of the connections between culture and economics, art has a degree of independence from economic forces
3. Ideology C) Social and cultural predominance by one group within a
4. Hegemony D) A system (possessing its logic and proper rigor) of representations (images, myths, ideas) endowed with existence and historical role at the heart of a given society.
1 2 3 4
A) A B C D
B) B D A C
C) A D C B
D) B A D C
57) Who defines the term ‘Hegemony’ as ‘the whole lived social process
as practically organized by specific and dominant meanings, values and
beliefs of a kind that can be abstracted as a ‘world view’ or ‘class
A) Antonio Gramsci
B) Louis Althusser
C) Raymond Williams
D) Fredric Jameson
58) Assertion: If Derrida is the name most associated with
deconstruction, the major force behind New Historicism has been
French Historian Michel Foucault
Reason: Foucault’s work is characterized by a re-examination of the idea
of the ‘self’ as it has evolved in Western Society
A) A is correct but B is not the proper explanation of A
B) A and B both are incorrect
C) A and B are correct and B is the proper explanation of A
D) A is incorrect but B is the correct and the proper explanation of A
59) The term ‘New Historicism’ is coined by
A) Michel Foucault
B) Stephen Greenblatt
C) Louis Althusser
D) Fredric Jameson
60) The book ‘The New Historicism’ is written by-
A) Bernard Bernson
B) Stephen Greenblatt
C) Ernst Gombrich
D) Harold Aram Veeser
61) New Historicism is indebted to
A) Feminism
B) Structuralism
C) Marxism
D) Deconstruction
62) Who criticizes the New Historicism for reducing literature to a
footnote of history and for not paying attention to the details involved in
analyzing literature?
A) Camille Pagilia
B) Harold Bloom
C) Sarah Maza
D) C L Barber
63) New Historicism means
A) Oppose to formalism
B) Focus on historical and cultural conditions
C) Researching the contexts of literary production using Marxist
D) Deconstruction of History
A) A, B and C are Correct
B) B, C and D are correct
C) A, C and D are correct
D) All are correct
64) New Historicism can be applied to-
A) Historical Scholarship
B) Political Criticism
C) Eco-Criticism
D) Feminism
A) A, B and D
B) A, B and C
C) B and D
D) A and C
65) Much of the best research of New Criticism is being done in____
C) France
D) India
66) Stephen Greenblatt focused his studies on
A) Renaissance
B) Romantics
C) Neo-Classical Age
D) Modern Literature
67) For New Historicism parallel conception of the intertextuality of
literature and history is required. In which period such favorable
condition appears?
A) Romantic
B) New-Classics
C) Post-modernism
D) Victorian
68) New Historicists aim to understand work through
A) Its historical and cultural contexts
B) Biographical study of concerned writers
C) Reader’s response to the literature
D) The analysis of concerned writers made by the greatest critics.
69) New Historicism is influenced by the works of
A) Karl Marx
B) Michel Foucault
C) Jacques Le Golf
D) Pierre Nora
70) Match the following:
1. Structuralism A) Britain
2. New Historicism B) France
3. cultural Materialism C) USA
4. Psychoanalytic Criticism D) Austria
1 2 3 4
A) C D B A
B) C B A D
C) A B C D
D) B C A D
71) Who defines cultural materialism ‘as a politicized form of
A) Antonio Gramsci
B) Graham Holderness
C) Jonathan Pollimore
D) Raymond Williams
72) ‘Mulk Raj Anand, an Indian English novelist has written novels based
on social evils. He lived in such an atmosphere where he saw the exploitation
of the downtrodden’ – considering these lines, which theory of criticism
can be applied to Anand’s Literature?
A) Historical Criticism
B) Reception Theory
C) Formalist Criticism
D) Reader-Response Criticism
73) Vorticism, a literary movement of 1914, was led by____
A) Hans Arp
B) Tristan Tzara
C) Ezra Pound
D) Wyndham Lewis
74) Which of the following has made difference between the monologic
novels to the dialogic form?
A) Mikhail Bakhtin
B) J H Miller
C) Carl Jung
D) James Frazer
75) Who of the following conceived a literary text as a text and not a
A) French Structuralists
B) French Post-Structuralists
C) Russian Narratologists
D) New Critics
76) ‘Implicature’ the term was coined by___
A) J L Austen
B) John Searle
C) H P Grice
D) Harold Bloom
77) Who describes the narrative as a long sentence just as every constative
the sentence is in a way the rough outline of a shore narrative’?
A) Claude Levi Strauss
B) Mikhail Bakhtin
C) Vladimir Propp
D) Roland Barthes
78) The roots of Narratology are found in the work of
A) Roland Barthes
B) Mikhail Bakhtin
C) Vladimir Propp
D) Jacques Derrida
79) Following is the list of narratologists. Pick the odd one out.
A) Roland Barthes
B) Miller
C) Gerarel Genet
D) Michael Foucault
80) ‘Heterodiegetic’ narrator means ____
A) One who is in the story and narrator of the story
B) One who is outside the story and narrates the story
C) One who narrates the story of his own
D) None of the above.
81) Which of the following has developed the concept of ‘carnivalesque’?
A) Jacques Derrida
B) Raymond Williams
C) Terry Eagleton
D) Mikhail Bakhtin
82) Who of the following has applied the term ‘archetype’ to primordial
A) Maud Bodkin
B) Joseph Campbell
C) Carl Jung
D) Northrop Frye
83) ______ proposed the phenomenological analysis of the reading
A) Wolfgang Iser
B) Stanley Fish
C) Roman Ingardem
D) Norman Holland
84) Who is the proponent of ‘affective stylistics’?
A) W K Wimsatt
B) Stanley Fish
C) Wolfgang Iser
D) Louis Althusser
85) The father of semiotics was
A) Ferdinand de Saussure
B) Claude Levi Strauss
C) Charles Sanders Pierce
D) Jacques Lacan
86) Who of the following developed a way of semiotic analysis to deal
with changing medical interpretations of symptoms of the disease?
A) Roland Barthes
B) C S Pierce
C) Michael Foucault
D) Claude Levi Strauss
87) Who proposed that “Consciousness is a unified intentional act”?
A) Georges Poulet
B) H G Gadamer
C) Wolfgang Iser
D) Edmund Husserl
88) For whom, any text is an intertext?
A) Julia Kristeva
B) Roland Barthes
C) Jacques Derrida
D) Harold Bloom
89) In which book John Austin developed Speech Act Theory?
A) How to do Things with Words
B) The Province of Jurisprudence Determined
C) The Morphology of the Folk Tale
D) Structure and Texture
90) The Chicago School of Criticism is also known as
A) Neo-classic
B) Archetype
C) Neo-Aristotelian
D) Formalist
91) Match the following:
1. Patricia Ann Meyer Spacks A) The Madwoman in the Attic
2. Sandra Gilbert and Susan Gubar B) Literary Women
3. Elaine Showalter C) The Female Imagination
4. Ellen Moers D) A Literature of Their Own
1 2 3 4
A) C B D A
B) C A D B
C) B D C A
D) A B D C
92) ‘Elements of Semiology’ is written by
A) Claude Levi Strauss
B) C S Pierce
C) Ferdinand de Saussure
D) Roland Barthes
93) Which of the following has criticized Cleanth Brooks’s ‘Paradox’, the
A) J C Ransom
B) R S Crane
C) John Holloway
D) I A Richards
94) C S Lewis used the term ‘Drab’ to describe
A) Literary works by Shakespeare
B) Old English Literature
C) Prose and Poetry of the Neo-Classical Age
D) Prose and Poetry of the Medieval Period
95) Noam Chomsky is the author of
A) Antropologie Structurale
B) Elementary Structures of Kinship
C) Syntactic Structures
D) Mythologies
96) Structuralism is an answer to
A) Deconstruction
B) Memetic Criticism
C) Pragmatic Criticism
D) Theoretical Criticism
97) Who claims that the idea of a systematic structure presupposes a
A) Roland Barthes
B) Julia Kristeva
C) Jacques Derrida
D) Michael Foucault
98) Which of the following asserted - Psychoanalytic concepts in the theory of reading?
A) Stanley Fish
B) Wolfgang Iser
C) Harold Bloom D) William Empson
99) Who says – ‘All interpretation is a necessary misprision and all reading is, therefore, misprision – or misreading’?
A) I A Richards
B) Harold Bloom
C) W J Bate
D) Cleanth Brooks
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