1. “The history of Western poetry since the Renaissance is a history of ‘anxiety and self-saving caricature, of distortion, of perverse, wilful revisionism without which modern poetry as such could not exist.”
a. Eliot,
b. Hulme,
c. Pound,
d. Bloom.
2. When did the concept of postmodernism really become part of the public discoveries?
a. 1957
b. 1967
c. 1977
d. 1947
3. Which of the following is not coming under postmodernism?
a. Heckman,
b. Queer studies,
c. Gender studies,
d. None of these
4. What is not true about modernism in literature and art?
a. The subjectivized experience is rendered mostly through the first-person narrator, interior monologue, and especially the stream-of-consciousness narrative method.
b. A depiction of characters, who are mostly unbalanced, alienated, and hesitating individuals searching for their identity and a sense of life.
c. In mostly unfinished, open ending the authors does not leave any space for a reader to participate in the completion of a literary work.
d. The use of irony and parody as the means of critical approach to both reality and past literary forms and genres.
5. A novel containing long passages of poetry, drama, and quotations from newspapers would illustrate which of the following modernist tendencies?
a. Experimentation with form
b. Experimentation with symbols
c. Realistic concern
d. Directness in the use of language
6. To Lyotard, the ‘post ‘of ‘postmodern’ does not signify a movement of a comeback, flashback, or feedback, that is, not a movement of repetition but a procedure in ‘ana’ which included:
a. Analysis,
b. anagogy,
c. both a & b,
d. Only a
7. The Marxist cultural theorist Fredric Jameson has described “compensation for everything lost in the process of the development of capitalism, a way of insisting on the importance of quality in a world that seemed more interested in quantity, and of preserving ‘the place of sheer color and intensity within the grayness of measurable extension and geometrical abstraction” for:
a. Modernism
b. Postmodernism
c. Aestheticism
d. Utilitarianism
8. Not belong to the Lost Generation group of American authors
a. G. Stein,
b. E. Hemingway,
c. John Dos Passos.
d. None
9. Which of the following illustrates the modernist theme of discontinuity in art of literature and writing?
a. A novel that follows the development of a youth into adulthood in sequence
b. A poem that interweaves multiple unresolved, unrelated narratives
c. A poem relating the random, irrational thoughts of a dying man
d. All the above.
10. Match the following
A. Ezra pound i anxiety of influence
B. Harold Bloom ii individual Talent
C. T. E. Hulme iii dry and hard
D. Elliot iv make it new
a. A. iv B.i C.iii D.ii
b. A.ii B.iii C.i D.iv
c. A.iv B.iii C.i D.ii
d. A.iv B.iii c.ii D.i

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