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Verbal communication

 Verbal communication:

Effective verbal or spoken communication is dependent on a number of factors and cannot be

fully isolated from other important interpersonal skills such as non-verbal communication,

listening skills and clarification. Human language can be defined as a system of symbols

(sometimes known as lexemes) and the grammar (rules) by which the symbols are

manipulated. The word "language" also refers to common properties of languages. Language

learning normally occurs most intensively during human childhood. Most of the thousands of

human languages use patterns of sound or gesture for symbols which enable communication

with others around them. Languages tend to share certain properties, although there are

exceptions. There is no defined line between a language and a dialect. Constructed languages

such as Esperanto, programming languages, and various mathematical formalism is not

necessarily restricted to the properties shared by human languages. Communication is two-way

the process is not merely one-way.

👅Use standard terminology when communicating information.

👅Request and provide clarification when needed.

👅Ensure statements are direct and unambiguous.

👅Inform the appropriate individuals when the mission or plans change.

👅Communicate all information needed by those individuals or teams external to the team.

👅Use nonverbal communication appropriately.

👅Use proper order when communicating information.

👅An Effective Communication Process for formal English speaking



Verbal communication Verbal communication Reviewed by Debjeet on December 27, 2022 Rating: 5

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