Indian English Novel with a social purpose
Fiction in Indian English literature has achieved a prominent place in the later years of its development. In the beginning, it is slowly but surely developing and making its place in the literature with the earliest fictional efforts of Kailash Chunder Dutt and Shoshee Chunder Dutt. Fiction written in the post-Independent period concentrated on social, political, and historical aspects and it continued even after Independence. A novel with social purpose acquires a major place during pre-Independent and post-Independent times due to the reason that India has been facing a number of social problems related to caste, class, and social discrimination within families and in social situations also. In the 1930’s Sirdar Jogender Singh attempts ‘Kamala’ (1925) and ‘Kamini’ (1931) as social novels and it continued then afterward in World War I and World War II.
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