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Teaching Aptitude (MCQ)


Teaching Aptitude


1. The mean score on any class test is the result of:

(a) dividing the sum of all scores by the number of scores

(b) determining the middle score when all the scores have been listed from the highest to the lowest

(c) determining the most frequent score.

(d) Adding all the scores and dividing by the most frequent score

(e) Adding the highest and lowest scores and dividing by two

2 . The least justifiable use of the results of a standardized reading test is to:

(a) identify areas of pupil deficiency

(b) evaluate the reading instruction program.

(c) Serve as a basis for report card marks

(d) Serve as the basis for a parent conference

(e) Serve as the basis for class groupings

3. Fifteen –year old Arvind has taken to wearing the same style of sweaters that his teacher wears. This form of behavior is known as:

(a) compensation

(b) transference

(c) identification

(d) regression

(e) egocentrism

4. At least one-third of the learning that will determine later levels of school achievement has already taken place by age six. This is a statement most closely associated with the writings of:

(a) Benjamin Bloom

(b) Margaret Mead

(c) Martin Mayer

(d) Fritiz Redl

(e) Nathan Glazer

5. Of the following, the most unreliable predictor of educational achievement is:

(a) inherited biological potential for learning

(b) the ethnic origin of the parents

(c) family background and training

(d) classroom experiences

(e) self-concept.

6. All the following are acceptable goals for dealing with behavior problems in the classroom, except:

(a) helping the child to improve his/her self-control

(b) being impersonal and objective

(c) understanding the offense

(d) utilizing appeals to children that have personal implications

(e) punishing, when necessary, in private

7. In preparing a fifth-grade class to take a standardized reading test the

the teacher is best advised to:

(a) tell the children the test is very important and they should do the best they can

(b) ditto key questions from a previous test and allow the pupils to answer them

(c) do nothing

(d) coach the below-grade-level readers, as the rest of the class, will do well anyway

(e) Give the pupils practice in answering questions similar to the type that will appear on the test

8. Of the following, the one situation that will cause the greatest difficulty for a child in the initial stages of reading instruction is :

(a) confusion of left and right directionality

(b) possessing an IQ of 90

(c) having older siblings who are successful readers

(d) never having attended kindergarten

(e) being an avid television watcher


Teaching Aptitude (MCQ) Teaching Aptitude (MCQ) Reviewed by Debjeet on January 01, 2023 Rating: 5

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