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TOP TEST SERIES on English Literature-1/04

 1. The meaning of "widsith" in old English is

(a) width (b) widely (c) wise id) wanderer

2. The name of William Golding's first novel is

(a) The Inheritors (b) Lord of the Flies (c) Pincher Martin id) The Pyramid

3. In his "Progress and Poverty", Henry George is influenced by

(a) The American War of Independence (b) The French Revolution (c) The Marxian Systemid) None of these

4. The author of Erewhon is

(a) Hardy (b) Marquese (c) Samuel Butler id) Cervantes

5. Which of the following is a Comedy of Manners?

(a) The Way of the World (b) The Duchess of Malfi

(c) The Lady's Not for Burning (d) The Hairy Ape

6. Which one among the following is not a pessimist?

(a) Gissing (b) Browning (c) Hardy (d) Thomson

7. Charles Reade's drama "Drink" was adapted from a work of

(a) Goethe (b) Zola (c) Mallarwe (d) Tennyson

8. James Mill was born in (a) France (b) Ireland (c) Scotland (d) Italy

9. The classical theory of rent was advocated by

(a) Bentham (b) Ricardo (c) James Mill id) Marx

10. Which one among the following was not a utilitarian?

(a) Rousseau (b) James Mill (c) Ricardo (d) Bentham

11. Kipling was born in

(a) 1872 (b) 1865 (c) 1870 (d) 1864

12. The monk Augustine came to England in

(a) 590 (b) 587 (c) 597 (d) 591

13. The Battle of Maldon was fought in

(a) 993 (b) 990 (c) 975 (d) 980

14. To whom are the following lines ascribed? "When Adam delved and Eve span, Who was then the gentleman?"

(a) Gower (b) John Ball (c) Wat Tayler (d) Chaucer

15. 'The Praise of Folly' was written by

(a) Walter Raleigh (b) Thomas Moore (c) Charles Lamb (d) Ruskin

16. Who wrote: "In Praise of Idleness"?

(a) Bertrand Russell (b) Thomas More (c) Charles Lamb (d) Hazlitt

17. Which one of the following comprises one accented syllable followed by one unaccented syllable

(a) A Dactyl (b) An Anapaest (c) A trochee (d) An iambus

18. In which work does the following line occur: "That with no middle flight intends to soar." (a)

L'Allegro (b) IlPenseroso (c) Paradise Lost (d) Lycidas

19. The trial scene in 'The Merchant of Venice' was presided over by

(a) Portia (b) Antonio (c) Dr. Bellario (d) The Duke

20. The real name of Saki is

(a) H.H.Munro (b) Samuel Butler (c) George Orwell (d) The Duke

21. Who started: "The Tatler"?

(a) Addison (b) Swift (c) Steele (d) Stevenson

22. The poem 'The Song of the Shirt' was written by

(a) Mrs. Browning (b) Pope (c) Shelley (d) Thomas Hood

23; Sir Roger was originally the creation of

(a) Addison (b) Dryden (c) Steele (d) Milton

24. Who wrote: "Areopagitica"?

(a) Charles Lamb (b) Hazlitt (c) De Quincey (d) Milton

25. Mary Lamb killed her

(a) mother (b) father (c) sister (d) Brother

26. 'The Selfish Giant' is a story written by

(a) Tagore (b) Oscar Wilde (c) Maupassant (d) Tolstoy

27. Which one of the following is not a part of the proverbial "Three Unities"

(a) Unity of Purpose (b) Unity of Time (c) Unity of Place (d) Unity of Action

28. Which one of the following letters is most often not pronounced before a consonant?

(a) p (b) r (c) n (d) s

29. The setting of Walpole's novel "The Castle of Otranto" is

(a) ancient England (b) medieval France (c) medieval Italy (d) ancient Ireland

30. Who wrote: "Four Quartets"?

(a) T.S. Eliot (b) W.B. Yeats (c) W.H. Auden (d) Philip Larkins

31. Who wrote: "Look Back in Anger"?

(a) Steinbeck (b) Christopher Fry (c) John Osborne (d) Barrie

32. Who wrote: "The Devils of Loundun"?

(a) Bertrand Russell (b) Aldous Huxley (c) J.B.Priestley (d) Hazlitt

33. Iris Murdoch was born in

(a) 1921 (b) 1923 (c) 1930 (d) 1919

34. In the 'Heart of Darkness' Conrad has explored

(a) Ceylon (b) India (c) Congo (d) Brazil

35. Virginia Woolf died in

(a) 1941 (b) 1940 (c) 1943 (d) 1935

36. In which one of the following words 'b' is not silent

(a) plumber (b) comb (c) lumbago (d) lamb

37. Who wrote: "Principles of Human Knowledge"

(a) Milton (b) John Bunyan (c) Nash (d) George Berkeley

38. Who wrote: "Liber Amoris"

(a) Lamb (b) Hazlitt (c) Byron (d) Wordsworth

39. Fielding wrote Joseph Andrews in reaction against

(a) Pamela (b) Robinson Crusoe (c) Jane Eyre (d) Roderick Random

40. Fielding was a

(a) Romanticist (b) Supernaturalist (c) Realist (d) Science fiction writer

41. "A Railway Clerk" is a poem by

(a) Keki N. Daruwallah (b) Nissim Ezekiel (c) Shiv K. Kumar (d) Jayanta Mahapatra

42. Raju is the hero of

(a) Guide(b) The Mark of Vishnu (c). Azadi (d) The God of Small Things

43. The Indian novelist who won the Booker Prize in 1997 was

(a) Vikram Seth (b) Salman Rushdie (c) R.K. Narayan (d) Arundhati Roy

44. Who won The Booker of Bookers

(a) Arundhati Roy (b) Khushwant Singh (c) Mulk Raj Anand (d) Salman Rushdie

45. Who among the following is not a pre- Romantic poet

(a) William Mason (b) Beattie (c) Bowles (d) Byron

46. Disraeli was influenced by

(a) Carlyle (b) Burke (c) Benthem (d) Godwin

47. Dickens died in

(a) 1870 (b) 1865 (c) 1868 (d) 1872

48. Who is not a novelist besides being a poet

(a) Jayanta Mahapatra (b) Shiv K. Kumar (c) Kamala Das (d) Tagore

49. The favorite poet of Jawaharlal Nehru was (a) Whitman (b) Frost (c) Eliot (d) Yeats

50. Who wrote: "The Battle of Books"

(a) Bacon (b) Hazlitt (c) Swift (d) None of these


TOP TEST SERIES on English Literature-1/04 TOP TEST SERIES on English Literature-1/04 Reviewed by Debjeet on January 09, 2023 Rating: 5

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