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Textuality and S/Z

Since Barthes contends that there can be no originating anchor of meaning in the possible intentions of the author, he considers what other sources of meaning or significance can be found in the literature. He concludes that since meaning can’t come from the author, it must be actively created by the reader through a process of textual analysis. In his *S/Z (1970),*Barthes applies this notion in an analysis of a short story by *Balzac called Sarrasine.* The end result was a reading that established five major codes for determining various kinds of significance, with numerous lexias throughout the text * a "Lexia" here is defined as a unit of the text chosen arbitrarily (to remain methodologically unbiased as possible) for further analysis* The codes led him to define the story as having a capacity for a plurality of meaning, limited by its dependence upon strictly sequential elements (such as a definite timeline that has to be followed by the reader and thus restricts their freedom of analysis). From this project, Barthes concludes that an ideal text is one that is reversible, or open to the greatest variety of independent interpretations and not restrictive in meaning. A text can be reversible by avoiding the restrictive devices that Sarrasine suffered from such as strict timelines and exact definitions of events. He describes this as the difference between written text, in which the reader is active in a creative process, and readerly text in which they are restricted to just reading. The project helped Barthes identify what it has he sought in literature: an openness for interpretation.

Textuality and S/Z Textuality and S/Z Reviewed by Debjeet on January 03, 2023 Rating: 5

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