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TOP TEST SERIES on English Literature:-1/01

1. Who wrote Don Juan?

(a) Shakespeare (b) Tennyson (c) Byron (d) T.S. Eliot

2. Who wrote The Life of Johnson?

(a) Boswell (b) Macaulay (c) Churchill (d) Sir Walter Raleigh

3. Priest's Nun's Tale was written by

(a) Spenser (b) Charles Lamb(c) Tennyson (d) Chaucer

4. Malvolio is a character in

(a) Macbeth (b) Hamlet (c) Twelfth Night (d) Much Ado About Nothing

5. Pip is a character in

(a) Much Ado About Nothing (b) Great Expectations (c) Mrs. Dalloway (d) A Passage to India

6. In which poem does the following line occur: "Our sweetest songs are those that tell of saddest


(a) Ulysses (b) Faery Queene (c) Ode to Skylark (d) The Wasteland

7. Who is said to have first used the term "Metaphysics"?

(a) Matthew Arnold (b) Sidney (c) Donne (d) Dr. Johnson

8. The writer of Volpone is

(a) Johnson (b) Milton (c) Jonson (d) Shelley

9. Which is the correct chronological sequence

(a) Spenser--Chaucer--Milton—Donne (b) Spenser--Wordsworth--Tennyson--T.S. Eliot

(c) Milton--Shakespeare--Philip Larkin—Keats (d) Auden--Eliot--Shelley--Keats

10. Pilgrim's Progress was written by

(a) Milton (b) Shelley (c) Swinburne (d) John Bunyan

11. The writer of the line: "Stone walls do not a

prison make" is

(a) Lovelace (b) Milton (c) W.B.Yeats (d) T.S. Eliot

12. "Monkey's Paw" is a

(a) Poem (b) Drama (c) Short story (d) Novel

13. Lyrical Ballads appeared in

(a) 1690 (b) 1798 ...(c) 1802 (d) 1800

14. The writer of 'A Pair of Blue Eyes' is

(a) Thackeray (b) Dickens (c) George Eliot (d) Thomas Hardy

15. Hard Times was written by

(a) Thackeray (b) Dickens (c) Trollope (d) Marquese

16. Elizabeth Bennet is a character in

(a) Emma (b) The Mill on the Floss (c) Pride and Prejudice (d) Herzog

17. Ariel is a character in

(a) Tempest (b) Paradise Lost (c) In Memoriam (d) Murder in the Cathedral

18. Which of the following poets was most impressed by German philosophy?

(a) Chaucer (b) Wordsworth (c) Coleridge (d) Southey

19. The two cities referred to in "A Tale of Two Cities" are

(a) London and Paris(b) London and Rome (c) Rome and Paris(d) Moscow and Rome

20. The Peasant's Bread is a story by (a) Maupassant (b) Tagore (c) R.K. Narayan (d) Tolstoy

21. The Financial Express was written by

(a) Raja Rao (b) R.K. Narayan (c) Tagore (d) Mulk Raj Anand

22. "Negative Capability" is a term associated with

(a) Tagore (b) Shelley (c) Keats (d) Coleridge

23. The most impressive treatment of "imagination" has been given by

(a) Coleridge (b) Shelley (c) Eliot (d) Yeats

24. Maggie is a character in

(a) The Middlemarch (b) The Vanity Fair (c) The Mill on the Floss (d) None of these

25. Who said about poetry "Emotion recollected in tranquillity"

(a) Wordsworth (b) Eliot (c) Shelley (d) Arnold

26. Lady Chatterley's Lover was banned because it was considered

(a) obscene (b) revolutionary (c) obscurantist (d) None of these

27. For Whom The Bell Tolls was written by

(a) Marquese (b) Hemingway (c) Hawthorne (d) None of these

28. Who said: "I awoke one morning and found myself famous"

(a) Byron (b) Tennyson (c) Eliot (d) Keats

29. Paradise Lost comprises

(a) 10 books (b) 12 books (c) 6 books (d) 8 books

30. Who used the expression "unaging monuments of intellect"?

(a) Yeats (b) Shakespeare (c) Whitman (d) Auden

31. Which poet was invited by John F. Kennedy to his inauguration ceremony?

(a) Whitman (b) Frost (c) Eliot (d) Masefield

32. The writer of: "A Pair of Mustachios" is

(a) Anand (b) Tagore (c) Raja Rao (d) Anita Desai

33. Estella is a character in

(a) Joseph Andrews (b) Great Expectations (c) A Tale of Two Cities (d) Old Man and the Sea

34. The writer of the Scarlet Letter is

(a) Henry James (b) James Joyce (c) Hawthorne (d) None of these

35. In which poem does the following line occur: "To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield"

(a) Morte de Arthur (b) Ulysses (c) Maud (d) Ode to the West Wind

36. Rousseau is associated with

(a) French Revolution (b) American War of Independence (c) Russian (Bolshevik) Revolution

(d) None of these

37. Which of the following novelists got the Nobel Prize?

(a) Virginia Woolf (b) James Joyce (c) Hemingway (d) Conrad

38. Which of the following statesmen got the Nobel Prize?

(a) M.K. Gandhi (b) Stalin (c) Churchill (d) Saddam Hussein

39. Who wrote 'Train to Pakistan'

(a) Narayan (b) Manohar Malgaon (c) Khushwant Singh (d) Anand

40. Henchard is the hero of

(a) Jude the Obscure (b) The Return of the Native (c) The Mayor of Casterbridge (d) Far From the

Madding Crowd

41. Who is the writer of Azadi?

(a) R.K. Narayan (b) Khushwant Singh (c) Tagore (d) Chaman Nahal

42. "The God of Small Things" is written by

(a) R.K. Narayan (b) Hemingway (c) Graham Greene (d) Arundhati Roy

43. Who wrote the poem "Listeners"?

(a) Tennyson (b) Thomas Hood (c) Goldsmith (d) Walter de la Mare

44. In writing "Canterbury Tales" Chaucer was influenced by

(a) Decameron (b) The Divine Comedy (c) The Holy Bible (d) None of these

45. Which poem starts with "Behold her single in the field...."

(a) Lucy Gray (b) The Solitary Reaper (c) Hymn to Intellectual Beauty (d) Dover Beach

46. 'Animal Farm' was written by

(a) James Joyce (b) Virginia Woolf (c) George Orwell (d) Hemingway

47. Shobha De is a

(a) poet (c) novelist (b) dramatist (d) an actress

48. Dunciad was written by

(a) Dry den (b) Pope (c) Tennyson (d) Shelley

49. King Magnus is a character in

(a) Apple Cart (b) Man and Superman (c) Pygmalion (d) Saint Joan

50. Bernard Shaw got the Nobel Prize for

(a) Pygmalion (b) Man and Superman (c) Saint Joan (d) None of these


TOP TEST SERIES on English Literature:-1/01 TOP TEST SERIES on English Literature:-1/01 Reviewed by Debjeet on January 08, 2023 Rating: 5

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