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TOP TEST SERIES on English Literature-1/08

 1. Who said about Virginia Woolf "She had no taste for rough diamonds"

(a) A.D. Moody (b) E. Albert (c) H.V. Routh (d) W. Allen

2. The name of Virginia Woolf's father was

(a) Stephen Woolf (b) John Woolf (c) James Woolf (d) Robert Woolf

3. In which work does the following line appear:

"Her sympathy seemed to fly back into her face, like a bramble spring."

(a) Mrs. Dalloway (b) Lord Jim (c) To The Lighthouse (d) David Copperfield

4. Identify the last line of Whitman's "Passage to India"

(a) Passage to more than India (b) O farther, farther, farther sail!

(c) O brave soul! (d) Away O soul! Lost instantly the anchor!

5. The generally accepted date of the death of Plato is

(a) 342 BC (b) 341 BC (c) 348 BC (d) 340 BC

6. It is generally believed that Aristotle was born in

(a) 380 BC (b) 384 BC (c) 390 BC (d) 391 BC

7. Aristotle was engaged as a tutor to

(a) King Philip (b) King of Persia (c) Alexander (d) Princess of Turkey

8. What was the most revolutionary deed done by Aristotle, regarding human rights and freedom, which he did before his death?

(a) He wrote Poetics (b) He inverted most of Plato's theories (c) He liberated all his slaves through his will (d) He noted down everything that he studied at Plato's Academy

9. Which critic is most associated with the view that "Poetry is criticism of life."

(a) Dryden (b) Eliot (c) Wordsworth (d) Matthew Arnold

10. What did Byron die of

(a) heart failure (b) fever (c) dysentery (d) gouts

11. Which among the following critics did not believe in the authority of ancient classics

(a) Dryden (b) Jonson (c) Wordsworth (d) Pope

12. Which of the following poets made a fortune by translating Homer

(a) Shelley (b) Dryden (c) Spenser (d) Pope

13. Who is believed to have said :

"That which does not concern the common man is of no significance."

(a) Voltaire (b) Rousseau (c) Locke (d) Southey

14. Who is stated to have said "Criticism is the art of interpreting art."

(a) Dryden (b) Arnold (c) Walter Pater (d) Eliot

15. Who wrote the poem: "The Lake Isle of Innisfree"

(a) Yeats (b) Eliot (c) Spender (d) Auden

16. Who is primarily associated with the term "Objective Correlative"

(a) Shelley (b) Sandburg (c) Eliot (d) Hardy

17. Who stated, "What criticism undertakes is the profitable discussion of literature."

(a) Eliot (b) F.R. Leavis (c) Middleton Murry (d) Chatterton

18. Who wrote: "The Lives of the Poets"

(a) Boswell (b) Hazlitt (c) Macaulay (d) Dr. Johnson

19. Who is said to have used the term "high seriousness"

(a) Dryden (b) Sidney (c) M. Arnold (d) Eliot

20. Who used the term "high disdain"

(a) Shakespeare (b) Milton (c) Yeats (d) Darwin

21. Who wrote: "The Interpretation of Dreams"

(a) Marx (b) Jung (c) Freud (d) Darwin

22. Who wrote: "Principles of Literary Criticism" (in 1924)

(a) T.R. Leavis (b) Kenneth Brooke (c) I.A. Richards (d) A.G. Gardiner

23. Who said: "Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion"

(a) Wordsworth (b) T.S. Eliot (c) I.A. Richards (d) Wilson Knight

24. Who said: "Language may be defined as the expression of thought by means of speech sounds."

(a) Sapir (b) R.H. Robins (c) Henry Sweet (d) A.H. Gardiner

25. In what respect among the following do human beings and animals have at least partly identical stations in the matter of language as a means of communication?

(a) acquired (b) instinctive (c) grammaticality (d) behavioral

26. Who said: "So, Here I am...... Twenty years largely wasted..... Trying to use word......."

(a) Yeats (b) T.S. Eliot (c) Wordsworth (d) Hardy

27. Who said: "Style is the skin and the mere coat."

(a) Shelley (b) Pater (c) Carlyle (d) Quiller Couch

28. When did Trubetzkoy's "Principles of Phonology", appear

(a) 1942 (b) 1931 (c) 1930 (d) 1939

29. Whose book "Language" (1933) is considered "The Bible of American Linguistics"

(a) Robert A. Hall (b) Bloomfield (c) Bernard Bloch (d) Edward Sapir

30. Who said: Language is "primarily an auditory system of symbols."

(a) Franz Boas (b) Bloch (c) Sapir (d) Whitney

31. Which of the following poems is not by Frost.

(a) Design (b) Birches (c) Reluctance (d) Michael

32. What does the term "Deus ex machina" mean?

(a) God out of the machine (b) devil out of the machine (c) man out of the machine

(d) the beast out of the machine

33. The famous soliloquy "To be or not to be" occurs in

(a) Macbeth (b) King Lear (c) Hamlet (d) Othello

34. Who wrote: "Flower in the crammied well

Little flower but if I could understand what you are...........................

I should know what God and Man is."

(a) Wordsworth (b) Shelley (c) Yeats (d) Tennyson

35. Which is the 'odd man out' in the following

(a) Paradise Lost (b) The Ramayana (c) Essay on Man (d) Iliad

36. Which Italian poet is most famous for his sonnets

(a) Petrarch (b) Dante (c) Ovid (d) None of these

37. Who wrote the following line: "Blow, blow, thou winter wind"

(a) Milton (b) Tennyson (c) Shakespeare (d) Browning

38. In which of the following word the adverb form is made by simply applying "ly" at the end

(a) Present (b) Incident (c) Accident (d) Occasion

39. Tetra meter comprises a line with...........iambus

(a) Two (b) Three (c) Four (d) Five

40. What figure of speech has been used in the following line:

"Milton! thou shouldn’t be living with us at this hour." --Wordsworth

(a) Hyperbole (b) Simile (c) Metaphor (d) Apostrophe

41. Under which category should Dryden's Mac flecknoe be placed

(a) Satire (b) Epic (c) Ode (d) Lyric

42. Which figure of speech has been used in the term: "immemorial elms"

(a) Allegory (b) Rhyme (c) Alliteration (d) Oxymoron

43. Who is the writer of the following line: "Busy old fool, unruly sun"

(a) Shelley (b) Milton (c) Clough (d) Donne

44. What is the name of the central figure in Tagore's play "Muktadhara"

(a) King Vivajit (b) King Ranajit (c) Prince Abhijit (d) Amba

45. Which play of Shaw is also sometimes called "The Chocolate Soldier"

(a) Arms and the Man (b) Candida (c) Pygmalion (d) Saint Joan

46. In which episode of "The Merchant of Venice" did the Prince of Arragon make the choice of the silver casket

(a) The Bond Episode (b) The Casket Episode (c) The Trial Scene (d) The Ring Episode

47. Which one among the following was not the demand of the Chartists in the 19th century in England.

(a) annual parliaments (b) pensions to all widows (c) vote by ballot (d) universal manhood suffrage

48. In which category among novelists should Mrs. Gaskell be placed (a) humanitarian (b) determinist (c) picaresque (d) revolutionary

49. Which one among the following cannot be deemed to be a writer of the "Problem Play" (a) G.B. Shaw (b) Galsworthy (c) Harley Granville-Barker (d) Eliot

50. In which decade of the twentieth century did the group of novelists commonly known as "Angry Young Men" appear? (a) Thirties (c) Fifties (b) Forties (d) Sixties

TOP TEST SERIES on English Literature-1/08 TOP TEST SERIES on English Literature-1/08 Reviewed by Debjeet on January 10, 2023 Rating: 5

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