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TOP TEST SERIES on English Literature-1/10

 1. The word "Volksgeist" means

(a) The spirit of the age (b) (As per) tradition, custom, and consensus

(c) The essence of something (d) None of these

2. When did the hundred years war which started in 1337 come to an end?

(a) 1450 (b) 1451 (c) 1452 (c) 1453

3. The Age of chivalry was basically an age of

(a) war (b) love (c) love, war, and religion (d) religion

4. Cervantes practically rang the death knell of

(a) war (b) love (c) religion (d) chivalry

5. The "Black Death" in England came in 1348 and was known by this name because

(a) Black, knotty boils appeared on the bodies of the victims (b) The country was attacked by black

vultures feeding on dead bodies (c) The whole country became black with dead bodies

(d) It was a mournful event compelling people to wear black dresses.

6. When did the Peasants' Revolt take place in England?

(a) In 1380 (b) In 1384 (c) In 1381 (d) In 1390

7. Who was the king in England at the time of the Peasants' Revolt?

(a) Richard II (b) Richard III (c) Henry I (d) King John

8. Which one of the following was a contemporary of Chaucer

(a) Spenser (b) Herrick (c) Robert Graves (d)John Gower

9. The famous work of Boccaccio is

(a) Decameron (b) Divine Comedy (c) Essays (d) A collection of sonnets

10. When did Petrarch die?

(a) 1382 (b) 1389 (c) 1370 (d) 1374

11. Who has written the following line: "Chaucer symbolizes, as no other writer does, The Middle Ages."

(a) Legouis (b) Hugh Walker (c) Compton-Rickett (d) Hudson

12. What is meant by "Grub Street"?

(a) The literary scene of hacks' crowds during Pope's period. (b) Unhygienic streets of London

(c) Streets full of worms (d) Plague-infested streets

13. Who wrote: "Idylls of the King"?

(a) Tennyson (b) Browning (c) Spenser (d) Keats

14. Who started the Lollards' Movement?

(a) John Gower (b) Langland (c) Wyclif (d) Wat Tyler

15. Who wrote the following lines: "He loved gold in special,

For, gold in physic is cordial."

(a) Langland (b) Wyclif (c) John Ball (d) Chaucer

16. Sir Andrew Freeport is a member of

(a) The Royal Society of Science (b) The Spectator Club (c) The Royal Academy of Art

(d) The Royal Society of Physicians

17. What could be another name for Renaissance

(a) The New Learning (b) The Reformation (c) The Protestantism (d) Humanism

18. Who wrote: 'Hudibras'

(a) Butler (b) Addison (c) Steele (d) Goldsmith

19. When was the poet John Gay born?

(a) 1675 (b) 1681 (c) 1685 (d) 1687

20. "London" by Dr. Johnson is

(a) An epic (b) A verse satire (c) A prose satire (d) A critical work

21. Cowper was born in

(a) 1730 (b) 1733 (c) 1731 (d) 1729

22. Who wrote Moll Flanders?

(a) Richardson (b) Fielding (c) Smollett (d) Defoe

23. The Gothic novel was primarily a novel of

(a) Pity (b) Terror (c) Love (d) Description of nature

24. When did Areopagitica appear?

(a) In 1641 (b) In 1642 (c) In 1643 (d) In 1644

25. The main plank of Areopagitic's argument was for the freedom of

(a) the press (b) worship (c) movement (d) forming a political party

26. Philip Wakem is a character in

(a) The Middlemarch (b) Great Expectations (c) The Mill on the Floss (d) Waiting for Godot

27. When was Walter Pater born?

(a) In 1836 (b) In 1837 (c) In 1839 (d) In 1841

28. Which one of the following writers is not dealt with in Pater's 'Appreciations'

(a) Southey (b) Lamb (c) Coleridge (d) Rossetti

29. 'Unto This Last' is a work by

(a) Carlyle (b) Pater (c) Oscar Wilde (d) John Ruskin

30. Thomas Gradgrind is a character that occurs in

(a) Hard Times (b) Candida (c) Wasteland (d) Jude the Obscure

31. Which one among the following cannot strictly be called the writer of novels of purpose

(a) Dickens (b) Newman (c) Jane Austen (d) Kingsley

32. Who among the following cannot be termed one of the Four Wheels of English Novels in the Eighteenth-century?

(a) Jane Austen (b) Smollett (c) Sterne (d) Fielding

33. Who is the writer of "The Blessed Damozel"?

(a) Christina Rossetti (b) Emile Bronte (c) D.G. Rossetti (d) W. B. Yeats

34. Which is the correct chronological order?

(a) Utopia--Dr. Faustus--Areopagitica—Maud (b) Henry V--The Faery Queene--Lyrical Ballads--The Compleat Angler (c) Christabel--Canterbury Tales--Queen Mab--Corsair

(d) Kubla Khan--Othello--Paradise Lost-Michael

35. The word "compromise" is used with...age

(a) Elizabethan (b) Modern (c) Victorian (d) Chaucerian

36. Which one of the following poets may to some extent be considered a continental poet

(a) Tennyson (b) Spenser (c) Eliot (d) Byron

37. Which one among the following favored most the imperialistic tendencies

(a) Shelley (b) Spenser c) Eliot (d) Kipling

38. Who among the following was not a critic?

(a) M. Arnold (b) Ruskin (c) Dryden (d) Tennyson

39. "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" was the slogan of

(a) French Revolution (b) Bolshevik Revolution (c) American Civil War (d) Indian Freedom Movement

40. Francis Thompson the poet, died in

(a) 1910 (b) 1909 (c) 1907 (d) 1906

41. The most important aspect of Jane Austen's novels is

(a) Superb characterization (b) Perfect Plot construction (c) High moral sense (d) Lively dialogues

42. The circle of Jane Austen's novels is

(a) The whole universe (b) The whole word (c) The whole of England (d) A limited number of families

43. Which one among the following was not a contemporary or predecessor of Shakespeare?

(a) Marlowe (b) Kyd (c) Fry (d) Greene

44. Who among the following was not a prose writer

(a) Ascham (b) Coleridge(c) Hooker (d) Raleigh

45. Who among the following was not a character writer

(a) Wordsworth (b) Joseph Hall (c) John Earle (d) Sir Thomas Overbury

46. Who among the following was not an essayist of the seventeenth century.

(a) Halifax(b) Sir Thomas Browne(c) Hazlitt (d) Sir William Temple

47. About whom has it been said :

"He knew small Latin and less Greek"

(a) Ben Jonson (b) Shakespeare (c) Milton (d) Aristotle

48. Who said about Shakespeare: "He was not of an age but of ages"

(a) Jonson (b) Johnson (c) Dryden (d) Arnold

49. Pinpoint the correct chronological sequence

(a) Petrarch--Spenser--Wordsworth—Marlowe (b) Wyclif--Lyly--Shelley--Tennyson

(c) Pope--Chaucer--Donne—Yeats (d) M. Arnold--Dryden--Sidney--Yeats

50. Who wrote: 'Modern Painters.'

(a) Rossetti (c) Hazlitt (b) Reynolds (d) Ruskin

TOP TEST SERIES on English Literature-1/10 TOP TEST SERIES on English Literature-1/10 Reviewed by Debjeet on January 11, 2023 Rating: 5

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