1. When was Somerset Maugham born
(a) 1871 (b) 1872 (c) 1873 (d) 1874
2. In which book do the following lines occur: "Around the ancient track marched, rank on rank,
The army of unalterable law."
(a) Sons and Lovers (b) Michael (c) 'Love in the Valley' by George Meredith (d) Hyperion
3. Who is the writer of the following lines: "Laugh and be merry, remember, better the world with a song.
Better the world with a blow in the teeth of a wrong."
(a) Wordsworth (b) Browning (c) John Masefield (d) Yeats
4. When did Landon die?
(a) 1870 (b) 1874 (c) 1872 (d) 1873
5. Which one of the following is not the work of Lamb
(a) Of Style (b) All Fools' Day (c) Dream Children (d) Grace Before Meat
6. Whose is the following line:
"A child's a plaything for an hour."
(a) Charles Lamb (b) Mary Lamb (c) Shelley (d) Tagore
7. Who wrote the following line: "The moon is nothing
But a circumambulatory aphrodisiac."
(a) Yeats (b) Shelley (c) Keats (d) Fry
8. Who is stated to have said: "veni, vidi, vici"
(a) Julius Caesar (b) Alexander (c) Napoleon (d) Homer
9. The War of Troy was fought between
(a) The Greeks and the French (b) The Greeks and the Trojans
(c) The Trojans and the Austrians (d) The Trojans and the Turks
10. One of the heroes in the War of Troy bore the name of a city
(a) Paris (b) Prague (c) Madrid (d) Rome
11. Who wrote: "The Advancement of Learning"
(a) Pope (b) Tennyson (c) Bacon (d) Eliot
12. Who said: "My essays........come home, to
men's business, and bosoms."
(a) Lamb (b) Bacon (c) Hazlitt (d) Stevenson
13. In which year did the 'Glorious Revolution' take place in England?
(a) 1685 (b) 1680 (c) 1681 (d) 1688
14. Who wrote: "We are hollow men."
(a) Eliot (b) Yeats (c) Tagore (d) Ezekiel
15. Who used the term "The perpetual struggle for room and food."
(a) Amartya Sen (b) Laski (c) Malthus (d) Marx
16. In which book do the following lines appear: "O thou art fairer than the evening air, Clad in the
beauty of a thousand stars."
(a) Dr. Faustus (b) Tamburlaine (c) The Spanish Tragedy (d) Faerie Queene
17. Who wrote the following line :
"Our swords shall play the orators for us."
(a) Shakespeare (b) Marlowe (c) Greene (d) Eliot
18. By which character is the following line spoken in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar?
"I'm well-armed in honesty."
(a) Caesar (b) Cassius (c) Brutus (d) Cicero
19. Who said: "I teach you the superman. Man is something that is to be surpassed."
(a) Mallarme (b) Zola (c) Ibsen (d) Nietzsche
20. Who is stated to have called Turkey "a seriously sick man."
(a) Edward II (b) Nicholas I of Russia (c) Napoleon (d) Churchill
21. Who defined a gentleman as "one who never inflicts pain."
(a) Nash (b) Wordsworth (c) Newman (d) Yeats
22. To whom is the statement "Laws were made to be broken" originally ascribed
(a) Goldsmith, Oliver (b) Christopher North (John Wilson) (c) Bacon(d) Hazlitt
23. Who wrote the following lines :
"My subject is war, and the pity of war. The poetry is in the pity."
(a) George Washington (b) Napoleon (c) Tolstoy (d) Wilfred Owen
24. Who said: "He comes too near that comes to be denied."
(a) Milton (b) Overbury (c) Addison (d) Stevenson
25. "Who wrote: "The dropping of rain hollows out of a stone."
(a) Milton (b) Shakespeare (c) Virgil (d) Ovid
26. In which book do the following words appear: "The mass of men leads dead lives of quiet desperation."
(a) Glimpses of World History (b) Outline of World History. (c) Walden (d) Emerson's Essays
27. In which book did Jawaharlal Nehru quote the following words of Goethe:
"If the Romans were great enough to invent things like that, we at least should be great enough to believe them."
(a) The Discovery of India (b) Glimpses of World History (c) An Autobiography
(d) None of these
28. Who said about Jawaharlal Nehru:
"...Thus there emerges the image of Jawaharlal Nehru as a humanist, full of the deepest tenderness for men everywhere, a polytheist who accepted all the gods of the world, a universalist."
(a) R.K. Narayan (b) Mulk Raj Anand (c) Khushwant Singh (d) Indira Gandhi
29. Who said: "Nothing can harm a good man, either in life or after death."
(a) Newman (b) Chaucer (c) Shakespeare (d) Socrates
30. Who said, "From forty to fifty a man is at heart either a stoic or a satyr."
(a) Sir Thomas Moore (b) Sir Arthur Pinero (c) Horace Walpole (d) Yeats
31. 'The Way of All Flesh' was written by
(a) Swift (b) Congreve (c) Butler (d) Addison
32. In which poem does the following line occur: "Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting."
(a) Tintern Abbey (b) Hymn on Intellectual Beauty (c) Ode on Intimations of Immortality
(d) Adam's Curse
33. In which play does the character "Maura" occur
(a) Riders to the Sea (b) Lady's Not for Burning
(c) Murder in the Cathedral (d) The Playboy of the Western World
34. When was 'The Wind Among The Reeds' written
(a) 1897 (b) 1899 (c) 1896 (d) 1900
35. Who was the chief co-founder of the (Irish) Abbey Theatre with W.B. Yeats
(a) Lady Gregory (b) Shaw (c) Galsworthy (d) Maud Gonne
36. When did Housman die?
(a) 1933 (b) 1935 (c) 1936 (d) 1937
37. P.G. Wodehouse is generally known as a
(a) sad man (b) 'Funny man' of contemporary literature (c) man of romance (d) None of these
38. Who said the following words :
"To be alone is the fate of all great minds."
(a) Plato (b) Socrates (c) The Buddha (d) Arthur Schopenhauer
39. "There is no cure for birth and death save to enjoy the interval."
Who said the words mentioned above?
(a) Socrates (b) George Santayana (c) M.K. Gandhi (d) Vivekananda
40. Who said, "I am the grass; I cover all."
(a) Whitman (b) Frost (c) Sandburg (d) Emily Dickinson
41. Who is the writer of the line :
"Look back, and smile at perils past."
(a) Shakespeare (b) Scott (c) Wordsworth (d) Yeats
42. Who wrote: "I must -I will-- I can- -I ought-- I do."
(a) Congreve (c) R.B. Sheridan (b) Carlyle (d) Etherege
43. Who is the writer of "The Good Companions"
(a) A.G. Gardiner (b) Chatterton (c) Hazlitt (d) J.B. Priestley
44. Who among the following poets can be said to be a catalog writer
(a) Lowell (b) Auden (c) Eliot (d) Whitman
45. Which poet among the following can be said to be a poet of multitudes
(a) Auden (b) Yeats (c) Whitman (d) Sandburg
46. Who is the writer of the poem 'Vagabond'?
(a) MacNeice (b) Masefield (c) Sir Henry Newbolt (d) Rupert Brooke
47. Who said, "French is the only modern language fit for literature"
(a) Coleridge (b) Yeats (c) Conrad (d) Synge
48. Which poem of Kipling was considered an offense to democracy
(a) 'Recessional' (b) 'Rowers' (c) 'Our Lady of the Snows' (d) 'A Servant when He Reigneth
49. Which one among the following was not one of the Decadents
(a) Oscar Wilde (b) Aubrey Beardsley (c) Tennyson (d) Rupert Brooke
50. "If I should die, think only this of me." Who wrote the above line?
(a) Housman (c) Yeats (b) Mare (d) Brooke
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