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TOP TEST SERIES on English Literature-1/09

 1. In which year was Magna Carta signed (a) 1205 (b) 1212 (c) 1215 (d) 1220

2. To which King of England did Pope give the title 'Defender of the Faith'

(a) Henry VII (b) Henry VIII (c) James I (d) Charles I

3. When did Mandeville's 'Travels' appear (a) 1500 (b) 1501 (c) 1496 (d) 1490

4. Who is the writer of "Metamorphoses" (a) Ovid (b) Dante (c) Petrarch (d) Virgil

5. When is Wyclif believed to have died? (a) 1380 (b) 1382 (c) 1383 (d) 1384

6. East India Company was set up in (a) 1604 (b) 1603 (c) 1600 (d) 1605

7. G.M. Trevelyan was primarily a

(a) historian (b) dramatist (c) poet (d) novelist

8. In which book does the following line appear:

"A god is not so glorious as a king." --Marlowe

(a) Dr. Faustus (b) The Jew of Malta (c) Tamburlaine (d) Edward II

9. The book "Euphues" was written by

(a) Greene (b) Jonson (c) Dryden (d) John Lyly

10. Bacon's essays are the finest example of

(a) wit and humour (b) practical wisdom (c) pathos (d) irony

11. Tamburlaine is basically an expression of the spirit of..........in full measure

(a) Renaissance (b) Romanticism (c) Imperialism (d) Materialism

12. In which poem do the following lines appear: "Stone walls do not a prison make,

Nor iron bars a cage."

(a) "To Lucasta" (b) 'To Althea, from Prison' (c) Ballad Upon a Wedding (d) None of these

13. Which one among the following was not a cavalier poet

(a) Herrick (b) Thomas Carew (c) John Suckling (d) Robert Bridges

14. Which age in English literature is known as the Augustan Age

a) That of Dryden (b) That of Dr. Johnson (c) That of Shakespeare (d) That of Pope

15. Who wrote to Pope in 1706 :

"The best modern poets in all languages are those that have nearest copied the ancients."

(a) Addison (b) Steele (c) Walsh (d) Dryden

16. The Age of Queen Anne in England was an era of

(a) political stability (b) political upheavals (c) great social unrest (d) great natural calamities

17. When was Swift born?

(a) 1660 (b) 1661 (c) 1680 (d) 1667

18. Which is Swift's most powerful general satire

(a) Gulliver's Travels (b) The Tale of a Tub (c) The Battle of Books (d) Nothing can be said in this connection

19. Who characterized D.G. Rossetti's poetry as belonging to "the fleshly school of poetry"

(a) Eliot (b) M. Arnold (c) Robert Buchanan (d) Yeats

20. In which poem does the following line occur: "The wild wine slips with the weight of its leaves."--


(a) The Blessed Damozel (b) Atalanta in Calydon (c) The Hounds of Spring (d) None of these

21. Which of the following should be regarded as the presiding deity of the Victorian period

(a) Mrs. Grundy (b) Mammon (c) Cupid (d) Venus

22. Who is the heroine of 'Vanity Fair'

(a) Sophia (b) Estella (c) Dora (d) Becky Sharp

23. The period of Edward VII's rule in England lasted from 1901 to.........

(a) 1912 (b) 1910 (c) 1909 (d) 1913

24. When was Old Age Pensions Act passed in England

(a) 1909 (b) 1907 (c) 1906 (d) 1908

25. In which decade in the nineteenth century did the Chartist Movement take a concrete shape in


(a) Thirties (b) Twenties (c) Fifties (d) Sixties

26. Which one among the following was not the reason for the failure of the Chartist Movement?

(a) Peel's reforms and the growth of prosperity (b) Lack of a powerful leader among the working

classes (c) Fake signatures of people presented to parliament (d) Natural calamities

27. Which age is generally called the Age of Prose and Reason?

(a) Eighteenth century (b) Seventeenth century (c) Nineteenth century (d) Sixteenth century

28. Who can be said to be the greatest writer of the Comedy of Humours?

(a) Dryden (b) Ben Jonson (c) Congreve (d) Etherege

29. Which of the following is not a play by Ben Johnson?

(a) Volpone (b) Alchemist (c) Every man out of His Honour

(d) The Way of the World

30. Who is the writer of the book "Prince"

(a) Ovid (b) Boccaccio (c) Machiavelli (d) Montaigne

31. Who is the writer of the essay "Simulation and Dissimulation"?

(a) Montaigne (b) Lamb (c) De Quincey (d) Bacon

32. Name the figure of speech for which Lyly is chiefly remembered

(a) Malapropism (b) Euphuism (c) Melodramaticism (d) None of these

33. Utopia was written by (a) Walter Raleigh (b) Sir Thomas Moore (c) Daniel Defoe (d) None of these

34. The other name for Euphues is

(a) The Anatomy of Melancholy (b) The Anatomy of Joy (c) The Anatomy of Wit (d) None of these

35. Ferrex and Porrex is the other name for

(a) The Spanish Tragedy (b) Dr. Faustus (c) Goboduc (d) None of these

36. In the 'Spanish Tragedy', there is the ghost of

(a) Andrea (b) Horatio (c) Balthazar (d) Lorenzo

37. Which one among the following belongs to the group known as University Wits

(a) Shakespeare (b) Congreve (c) Dryden (d) Marlowe

38. Astrophel and Stella is a

(a) play (b) novel (c) sonnet sequence (d) short story

39. In the Duchess of Malfi, Ferdinand was the Duke of

(a) Milan (b) Calabria (c) Rome (d) None of these

40. The Alchemist was published in

(a) 1610 (b) 1611 (c) 1612 (d) 1609

41. In the Duchess of Malfi, spoke the following words "O horror, that not the fear of him which

binds the devils can prescribe man obedicence."

(a) Ferdinand (b) Cardinal (c) Bosola (d) Antonio

42. In 'Sons and Lovers', Paul Moral is the son of

(a) John Morel (b) Joseph Morel (c) Walter Morel (d) James Morel

43. Which of the following is not one of the five movements in 'The Wasteland'

(a) The Burial of the Dead (b) The Game of Chess (c) The Fire Sermon (d) The Joy of Riding

44. When was St. Thomas canonized: in

(a) 1170 (b) 1171 (c) 1173 (d) 1175

45. Who appointed St. Thomas Becket a Chancellor

(a) Henry III (b) Henry I (c) Henry II (d) None of these

46. T.S. Eliot died in

(a) 1960 (b) 1962 (c) 1961 (d) 1965

47. When was Erewhon first published

(a) 1871 (b) 1872 (c) 1873 (d) 1874

48. What is the Greek meaning of 'Utopia'

(a) An ideal place (b) A healthy place (c) A lovely place (d) Not a place (=ou=not; topos=a place)

49. What are the last words of Vanity Fair (a) Shantih! Shantih! Shantih (b) Vanitas Vanitatum! (c) Amen! (d) Let it be

50. 'Virtue Rewarded' is the other name for (a) Pamela (b) Joseph Andrews (c) Clarissa (d) Tom Jones

TOP TEST SERIES on English Literature-1/09 TOP TEST SERIES on English Literature-1/09 Reviewed by Debjeet on January 10, 2023 Rating: 5

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