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TOP TEST SERIES on English Literature-1/13

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 l. Who wrote: "The Parliament of Foules"

(a) Chaucer (b) Gower (c) Langland (d) Dunbar

2. When did Chaucer die?

(a) 1401 (b) 1402 (c) 1400 (d) 1399

3. Of the following periods, which does not belong to Chaucer?

(a) The Period of French (b) The Period of German (c) The Period of Italian (d) The English period or

The Period of

4. Maturity Who wrote: "Epithalamion"?

(a) Chaucer (b) Milton (c) Spenser (d) Lovelace

5. In which of Shakespeare's plays does the following line appear?

"Sigh no more, ladies, sigh no more."

(a) Midsummer Night's Dream (b) Merchant of Venice (c) As You Like It (d) Much Ado About Nothing

6. In which of Dryden's poems does the following line occur:

"Love is that madness which all lovers have."

(a) Aureng-Zebe (b) Absalom and Achitophel (c) The Hind and the Panther (d) The Conquest of Granada

7. Who said, "Pope's poetry exhibits always an equilibrium of many separate forces."

(a) Dryden (b) Johnson (c) Tillotson (d) Hugh Walter

8. When did Spenser die?

(a) 1592 (b) 1599 (c) 1595 (d) 1600

9. When was Milton born?

(a) 1606 (b) 1602 (c) 1608 (d) 1605

10. When did Victoria ascend the throne?

(a) In 1835 (b) In 1837 (c) In 1838 (d) In 1839

11. Queen Victoria's period in literature is generally considered to start from

(a) 1839 (b) 1840 (c) 1845 (d) 1850

12. Who wrote:

"How fast has brother followed brother,

From sunshine to the sunless land!"

(a) Wordsworth (b) Coleridge (c) Shelley (d) Yeats

13. Who is the writer of: "Cast a cold eye on life, on death,

Horseman, pass by!"

(a) Wordsworth (b) Keats (c) Shelley (d) Yeats

14. Browning's Pauline was published in (a) 1832 (b) 1833 (c) 1834 (d) 1835

15. 'Sartor Resartus' was written by

(a) Oscar Wilde (b) Ruskin (c) Carlyle (d) Pafer

16. When did the French Revolution start? (a) 1788 (b) 1785 (c) 1787 (d) 1789

17. When was the slave trade abolished in England? (a) 1805 ( 1807 (c) 1806 (d) 1810

18. Which of the following writers did not belong to the 18th century?

(a) Cowper (b) Goldsmith (c) Burke (d) Pafer

19. Which one of the following poets was not a Victorian poet?

(a) Keats (b) Swinburne (c) Browning (d) Morris

20. Name of writer who "tried almost every kind of novel known to the 19th century."

(a) Charlotte Bronte (b) Emile Bronte (c) G. Eliot (d) Bulwer Lytton

21. By writing "Truce of the Bear" which country did Kipling offend?

(a) Russia (b) Germany (c) America (d) Canada

22. Which of Kipling's poems commemorates England's entrance into the First World War?

(a) Recessional (b) For All We Have and Are (c) The Ballad of Red Earl (d) Ballad of East and West

23. When did Kipling receive the Nobel Prize? (a) In 1905 (b) In 1902 (c) In 1907 (d) In 1904

24. Who was the Editor of Cornhill Magazine?

(a) Thackeray (b) Coleridge (c) Hazlitt (d) Goldsmith

25. Which of the following is not the work of Bunyan?

(a) The Holy War (b) Grace Abounding.... (c) The Life and Death of Mr. Badman

(d) Samson Agonistes

26. Shakespeare's use of prose is usually limited to

(a) asides (b) plays within plays (c) comic scenes (d) tragic scenes

27. Who said, "If Pope is not the poet, where is poetry to be found?"

(a) Dryden (b) Dr. Johnson (c) Addison (d) Steele

28. "Fans" is a humorous essay by

(a) Addison (b) Sheridan (c) Lamb (d) De Quincey

29. To commemorate whose death did M. Arnold write "Thyrsis"?

(a) Wordsworth (b) Dr. Johnson (c) Tennyson (d) Arthur Hugh Clough

30. In which year was "The Princess" published

(a) 1850 (b) 1847 (c) 1849 (d) 1848

31. In which book of "The Task" by Cowper does the following line appear?

"God made the country, and men made the town".

(a) BkI (b) Bk II (c) Bk III (d) Bk IV

32. In which book of 'The Task" does the following line appear?

"England, with all thy faults, I love thee still."

(a)Bk I (b)Bk II (c) Bk III (d) Bk IV

33. In which drama of Shakespeare does the following line appear?

"Tu-whit, tu-who--a merry note."

(a) Midsummer Night's Dream (b) Measure for Measure (c) Love's Labours Lost

(d) As You Like It

34. Where is the scene of "The Devil's Disciple" located?

(a) London (b) Manchester (c) Wessex (d) New Hampshire

35. Who wrote the following line :

"Much have I traveled in the realms of gold."

(a) Shelley (b) Wordsworth (c) Morris (d) Keats

36. Burns' father was a

(a) poor peasant (b) rich businessman (c) collier (d) bank official

37. Who took Gray abroad?

(a) Blake (b) Gladstone (c) Horace Walpole (d) Wilberforce

38. Wilberforce was mainly working for.........in the

eighteenth century

(a) prison reforms (b) the liberation of the slaves (c) women's emancipation (d) the universal franchise

39. Who wrote the lines :

"There is not flesh in man's obdurate heart, It does not feel for man."

(a) Blake (b) Gray (c) Cowper (d) Goldsmith

40. Which one of the following was not a part of the general nature of the Anglo-Saxons?

(a) love of personal freedom (b) love of religion (c) fondness for lewd way of living

(d) respect for women

41. The main aspect of the Anglo-Saxon language was

(a) Vigour (b) Sweetness (c) Obscurity (d) Incoherence

42. The first important expression of melody is made in the works of

(a) Langland (b) Dunbar (c) Spenser (d) Chaucer

43. Which one among the following could not be described as the 'matter' of early verse romances

(a) Matter of France (b) Spain (c) Rome (d) Britain

44. In which year was Armada defeated? (a) 1585 (b) 1587 (c) 1588 (d) 1590

45. When did Bacon die?

(a) 1622 (b) 1626 (c) 1630 (d) 1621

46. When was first the Divine Right of Kings proclaimed? (a) 1605 (b) 1601 (c) 1604 (d) 1608

47. Who wrote the Ode, "Come Leave the Loathed Stage."?

(a) Milton (b) Massinger (c) Fletcher (d) Ben Jonson

48. How many dramatists were with Ben Jonson in fighting against the romantic tendency?

(a) He was alone (b) 2

(c) 3 (d) So many

49. Which meter has Chaucer used in his Troilus and Criseyde

(a) Iambic pentametre

(b) Rime Royal

(c) Terza Rima

(d) None of these

50. Who is the writer of 'Piers Plowman'?

(a) Chaucer (b) Dunbar

(c) Langland (d) Wyclif

TOP TEST SERIES on English Literature-1/13 TOP TEST SERIES on English Literature-1/13 Reviewed by Debjeet on January 27, 2023 Rating: 5

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