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TOP TEST SERIES on English Literature-1/14

 1. Who is the writer of the poem: The Pied Piper of Hamelin?

(a) Tennyson (b) M. Arnold to Wordsworth (d) Browning

2. The sculptures on the gateway of the Sanchi Stupa built by Emperor Ashoka in the 3rd century B.C.,

illustrate, inter alia,

(a) Jataka stories (b) The stories of Aesop (c) Stories from the Panchtantra (d) Stories from the Punch

3. In which poem of Shelley does the following line occur :

"O antique verse and high romance."

(a) Ode to a Skylark (b) Epipsychidion (c) Hymn to Intellectual Beauty (d) Hellas

4. Who is the writer of the following lines: "Learn hence for ancient rules a just esteem To copy

Nature is to copy, them."

(a) Dryden (b) Ben Jonson (c) M. Arnold (d) Pope

5. Who wrote about Vivekananda,

"If you want to know India, study Vivekananda. In him everything is positive, nothing negative."

(a) Gandhi (b) Jawaharlal Nehru (c) Tagore (d) Sarojini Naidu

6. When did Swami Vivekananda die?

(a) July 2, 1902 (b) June 3, 1902 (c) July 14, 1902 (d) July 04, 1902

7. In which year did Vivekananda participate in the Parliament of Religions in Chicago, USA?

(a) 1891 (c) 1895 (b) 1893 (d) 1890

8. Who wrote: "Science and Life"?

(a) Newton (b) Einstein (c) V.C. Ramana (d) J.B.S. Haldane

9. Who wrote the following line :

"History is largely a record of self-deception."

(a) A.G. Gardiner (b) Lynd (c) J.B. Priestley (d) Lucas

10. Who spoke the following words in his defence in the court:

"I believe that only God is really wise, and......

that man's wisdom is worth little or nothing."

(a) Gandhi (b) St. Joan to Socrates (d) Oscar Wilde

11. In which work does the following sentence appear:

"Philosophy teaches us to feel uncertain about the things that seem to us self-evident."

(a) 'Skeptial Essays' by Russell (b) 'An Autobiography' by Jawaharlal Nehru (c) 'My Experiments with

Truth' by M.K. Gandhi (d) 'Brave New World Revisited' by Aldous Huxley

12. What kind of book is "Three Men In A Boat"?

(a) A funny or humorous book (b) A melodramatic book (c) A narrative book (d) An extremely serious


13. Which of the following is not concerned with fun or humour?

(a) Irony (b) Pathetic Fallacy (c) Understatement (d) Exaggeration

14. In which book do the following words appear: "...man is a brief episode in the life of a small plant

in a little corner of the universe."

(a) Emerson's 'Essays' (b) Huxley's 'Music At Night' (c) Russell's 'Unpopular Essay'

(d) Gandhi's 'My Experiments with Truth.'

15. In which of Shakespeare's play does a character speak the following words:

"If your leisure serv'd, I would speak with you."

(a) The Merchant of Venice (b) Much Ado About Nothing

(c) Julius Caesar (d) Cymbeline

16. Which kind of life can be best described as led by Dr. Jekyll in R.L. Stevenson's "The Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde."

(a) a double life (b) a single life (c) a happy life (d) a sad life

17. Who was the founder of the system of philosophy known as "Positivism"

(a) Goethe (b) Victor Hugo (c) Proust (d) Auguste Comte

18. What is meant by "sing-song tone"

(a) a happy tone (b) a rash or flourishing tone (c) a boring childish tone (d) None of these

19. What is meant by 'jink and muck'?

(a) a new dress (b) a colorful thing (c) a dancing toy (d) old thing of little or no value

20. Delphi was a place in ancient Greece that was known for the oracle of

(a) Apollo (b) Urania (c) Venus (d) God Mercury

21. Who said the following words :

"I must set God's command above everything." (a) Plato (b) Socrates (c) Christ (d) Gandhi

22. What is meant by the expression "Homeric Fight"?

(a) a great fight (b) a foolish fight (c) a cowardly fight (d) a stylish fight

23. Henry Dunant was associated with :

(a) Clearing of mines (b) Red cross (c) Anti-smuggling laws

(d) Demonstrations against the use and maintenance of nuclear weapons

24. The name of Shelley's wife who committed suicide was

(a) Mary (b) Sophia (c) Hutchinson (d) Harriet

25. The philosopher who influenced Pope was (a) Bolingbroke (b) Godwin (c) Nietzsche (d) Kant

26. Who is the writer of the book "The Impact of Science on Society"?

(a) Huxley (b) Priestley (c) B. Russell (d) Gardiner

27. Who wrote the following line: "What, there's nothing in the moon noteworthy?" (in 'One Word More')

(a) Tennyson (b) Browning (c) Keats (d) Wordsworth

28. Who was Michelangelo?

(a) A physician (b) A painter (c) A musician (d) A statesman

29. Mention which of the following Tagore was not--

(a) school teacher (b) novelist (c) dramatist (d) painter

30. Who is the writer of the following lines as quoted by M. Arnold at the start of his "Thyrsis". "Thus yesterday, today, tomorrow comes, They hustle one another and they pass."

(a) Ovid (b) Lucretius (c) Pericles (d) Chaucer

31. When did Arthur Hugh Clough die?

(a) 1861 (b) 1864 (c) 1863 (d) 1865

32. In which poem of M. Arnold does the following line appear?

"Where ignorant armies clash by night."

(a) Sohrab and Rustam (b) Thyrsis (c) Dover Beach (d) The Scholar Gipsy

33. Who is the writer of the play "The Miracle Merchant"

(a) Tagore (b) Synge (c) Barrie (d) Saki

34. 'The Miracle Merchant" was based on the story

(a) 'The Hen' (b) Monkey's Paw (c) Dusk (d) The Open Window

35. The essay "An Apology for Idlers" is written by

(a) Russell (b) Huxley (c) R.L. Stevenson (d) Goldsmith

36. Who is the writer of the following line in his introduction to a book on social history: "And

Reality, if rightly interpreted is grander than Fiction."

(a) Macaulay (b) Trevelyan (c) Legouis (d) Crompton

37. Who used the term "Dry as dust" for the antiquarian or historical researcher?

(a) Trevelyan (b) Macaulay (c) Carlyle (d) Legouis

38. Who among Chaucer's characters spoke the following lines :

"Wold the see were kept for anything Betwixt Middleburgh and Orwell

(a) Knight (b) Squire (c) Nun (d) Merchant

39. Under what category, should Langland's 'The Piers Plowman' be placed

(a) Romance (b) Pastoral (c) Religious allegory (d) Supernatural poetry

40. In which work do the following lines appear: "Labourers that have no land to live on but their hands Designed not dine a day on worts a night old."

(a) Piers Plowman (b) Prologue to the Canterbury Tales (c) Faerie Queene

(d) Song to the Men of England

41. Wat Tyler was slain at.........in the presence of the mob be led

(a) London (b) Manchester (c) Smithfield (d) None of these

42. About which character does Chaucer say the following words :

"It snowed in his house of meat and drink of all dainties that men could think."

(a) Merchant (b) Franklin (c) Knight (d) Parson

43. By whom was Christ's Hospital founded?

(a) Edward II (b) Henry II (c) Edward VI (d) Henry V

44. Kett's rising in Norfolk in 1549 was a

(a) Peasants' rising (b) Factory workers' rebellion (c) Barons' rebellion against the king

(d) Priests' uprising

45. Who is the writer of "Angler"

(a) Blake (b) Cowper (c) Izaak Walton (d) Goldsmith

46. Name the writer of the book "Illusion and Reality"

(a) Christopher Caudwell (b) Ruskin (c) Carlyle (d) Oscar Wilde

47. When did George II die?

(a) 1780 (b) 1760 (c) 1762 (d) 1765

48. George IV reigned from

(a) 1820-30 (b) 1820-25 (c) 1820-33 (d) 1820-35

49. Who wrote:'Wealth of Nations'

(a) Malthus (b) Marx (c) Engels (d) Adam Smith

50. Dr. Chalmers was associated with

(a) Evangelical revival (b) Peasants' revolt (c) Adult Franchise movement (d) Restoration of the monarchy

TOP TEST SERIES on English Literature-1/14 TOP TEST SERIES on English Literature-1/14 Reviewed by Debjeet on January 27, 2023 Rating: 5

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