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TOP TEST SERIES on English Literature-1/15

1. In which play of Shakespeare there exists "The Forest of Arden"

(a) Winter's Tale (b) Merry Wives of Windsor (c) Tempest (d) As You Like It

2. What is the other name for Euphues

(a) The Anatomy of Melancholy (b) The Anatomy of Wit (c) The Anatomy of Wisdom

(d) The Anatomy of Joy

3. Heathcliff is the most important character in the novel

(a) Jane Eyre (b) Hard Times (c) Wuthering Heights (d) Vanity Fair

4. 'Wuthering Heights' is the name of a farm owned by

(a) Earnshaws (b) Lintons (c) Bennets (d) Georges

5. How many knights enter the cathedral to kill St. Thomas in 'Murder in the Cathedral.'

(a) Three (b) Four (c) Five (d) Six

6. Which country could most probably stand for Samuel Butler's Erewhon which otherwise means nowhere?

(a) Australia (b) West Indies (c) Bahamas (d) New Zealand

7. In which novel Hardy does the character 'Arabella' exist?

(a) Jude the Obscure (b) The Return of the Native (c) Tess (d) Far From the Madding Crowd

8. Most of Hardy's novels are

(a) Comedies (b) Histories (c) Tragedies (d) Romances

9. What hastened Mr. Tulliver's death in "The Mill on the Floss".

(a) His terminal illness (b) His uncordial relations with Tom (c) His bankruptcy

(d) His fall from the horse

10. 'Rawdon Crawley' is a character in

(a) The Mayor of Casterbridge (b) Vanity Fair (c) Erewhon (d) Don Quixote

11. In which poem do the following lines occur: "Before the beginning of years

There came to the making of man Time, with a gift of tears."

(a) Hellas (b) Ode to Melancholy (c) Dunciad (d) Atlanta and Calydon

12. How many lines does each stanza of the "Scholar Gipsy" consist of

(a) Eight (b) Six (c) Ten (d) Nine

13. Milton wrote 'Paradise Lost' mainly to

(a) justify ways of God to man (b) justify ways of man to God (c) get himself established as a great poet

(d) subtly reject the life in Charles II's court

14. The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam (English translation) is written in

(a) Six line stanzas (b) Quatrains (c) Couplets (d) Three line stanzas

15. 'Maud' is a poem by (a) Tennyson (b) Shelley (c) Keats (d) Swinburne

16. In which poem does the following lyric in blank verse appear: "Come down, O maid."

(a) Maud (b) The Princess (c) In Memoriam (d) Sohrab and Rustam

17. What is the rhyme scheme of "In Memoriam" (a) a b b a (b) a b a b (c) a a b b (d) a b b b

18. Who satirized Wordsworth's poetic diction in the following lines :

"Who both by precept and example, shows That prose is verse, and verse is merely prose."

(a) Tennyson (b) Arnold (c) Byron (d) Eliot

19. Who is the writer of the following: "Let me not to the marriage of true minds Admit impediments..."

(a) Milton (b) Spenser (c) Sidney (d) Shakespeare

20. Who wrote:

"Oh east is east and west is west,

And never the twain shall meet."

(a) Tennyson (b) Robert Bridges (c) Kipling (d) Eliot

21. Who wrote: "English Bards and Scotch Reviewers"

(a) Burns (b) Byron (c) Scott (d) Yeats

22. Who is the writer of the tragedy "Prometheus Bound."

(a) Shelley (b) Aeschylus (c) Sophocles (d) Euripides

23. How many poems did Wordsworth contribute to Lyrical Ballads : (a) 16 (b) 17 (c) 18 (d) 19

24. Samuel Gulliver in Gulliver's Travels is a (a) merchant (b) sailor (c) surgeon (d) carpenter

25. How many imaginary countries does Gulliver visit

(a) Three (b) Four (c) Five (d) Six

26. Who is the writer of "Leviathan"

(a) Rousseau (b) Locke (c) Adam Smith (d) Hobbes

27. Robinson Crusoe was published

(a) 1718 (b) 1717 (c) 1719 (d) 1720

28. In the Dunciad, Pope has satirized

(a) fallen literary standards (b) the contemporary political scenario

(c) the ancient literary standards (d) the miserable economic scene

29. "The Rape of the Lock" is a........poem

(a) mock-heroic (b) tragedy (c) comedy (d) dramatic monologue

30. The following lines occur in "........in Logic a great critic,

Profoundly skill'd in Analytic; He could distinguish and divide

A hair twixt south and south-west side."

(a) Macflecknoe (b) Deserted Village (c) Hudibras (d) The Rape of the Lock

31. In which country was TS Eliot born : (a) England (b) USA (c) Germany (d) Scotland

32. The 'Forsyte Saga' was written by (a) Shaw (b) H.G.Wells (c) Galsworthy (d) Eliot

33. Arnold Bennet died in (a) 1930 (b) 1931 (c) 1933 (d) 1932

34. Who is the writer of the comedy 'The Wild Gallant'

(a) Dryden (b) Pope (c) Shakespeare (d) Lyly

35. When was Crashaw born (a) 1610 (b) 1615 (c) 1617 (d) 1612

36. Who wrote the following line : "Death, thou wast once an uncouth hideous thing."

(a) Donne (b) Herbert (c) Crashaw (d) Lovelace

37. Robert Herrick died in

(a) 1670(b) 1672 (c) 1674 (d) 1679

38. Thomas Carew died in

(a) 1636 (b) 1637 (c) 1638 (d) 1639

39. Hobbes can be regarded as a precursor and pioneer of modern

(a) poetry (b) prose (c) drama (d) fiction

40. Which of the following is not a comic character

(a) Justice Shallow (b) Othello (c) Juliet's nurse (d) Falstaff

41. To whom can "courtly wit" be ascribed :

(a) Lyly (b) Ford (c) Heyword (d) Dekker

42. Who is the writer of the comedy "A New Way To Pay Old Debts."

(a) Webster (b) Massinger (c) Lyly (d) Jonson

43. In one of whose works does the character 'Sir Epicure Mammon' exist

(a) Jonson (b) Massinger (c) Ford (d) Fletcher

44. Who is now said to have collaborated with

Fletcher in writing the following plays :

The False one, The Spanish Curate,

The Beggar's Bush, etc.

(a) Jonson (b) Field (c) Massinger (d) Rowley

45. "The Woman-Hater' is a mock-heroic comedy by

(a) Fletcher (b) Beaumont (c) Ford (d) Massinger

46. 'Four Prentices of London' is written by

(a) Ford (b) Massinger (c) Heywood (d) Fletcher

47. In Epicoene, Jonson's chief aim is

(a) to moralize (b) to please the public (c) to satirize old customs (d) to catharsis the element of fear

48. In 'The Poetaster' Jonson presents one of the following as a bad poet

(a) Aristophanes (b) Fletcher (c) Martson (d) Dryden

49. Who is the writer of the following lines: "I'll strip the ragged follies of the time, Naked as at their birth."

(a) Jonson (b) Fletcher (c) Dryden (d) Shelley

50. Constantinople fell to the Turks in

(a) 1450 (b) 1453 (c) 1456 (d) 1459

TOP TEST SERIES on English Literature-1/15 TOP TEST SERIES on English Literature-1/15 Reviewed by Debjeet on January 27, 2023 Rating: 5

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