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TOP TEST SERIES on English Literature-1/03

1. The author of Beowulf is

(a) Bede (b) Cynewulf(c) Chaucer (d) Unknown

2. The Anglo-Saxon period is often said to be from 450 to......

(a) 900 (b) 1000 (c) 1050 (d) 1100

3. The name of the monster in Beowulf is

(a) Gomanzo (b) Grendel (c) Frankenstein (d) Mephistophilis

4. Who says "Life, life, eternal life"?

(a) Christian (b) Maggie (c) Henchard (d) Chaucer's Parson

5. Beatrice was the woman whose love inspired a man to write an immortal poem. Who was that man?

(a) Shelley (b) Shakespeare (c) Homer (d) Dante

6. Charles I was executed in

(a) 1648 (b) 1645 (c) 1649 (d) 1650

7. Alexander Pope died in

(a) 1740 (b) 1742 (c) 1744 (d) 1743

8. Burns was born in

(a) England (b) Ireland (c) Scotland (d) France

9. "To a Mountain Daisy" is a poem by

(a) Wordsworth (b) Shelley (c) Keats (d) Burns

10. Who wrote: "The Devil's Disciple"?

(a) Galsworthy (b) Barrie (c) Shaw (d) Fry

11. George Eliot believed in

(a) A moral law (b) Promiscuity of sex (c) Violent Revolution (d) Indiscriminate fate

12. "A foundling" is a part of the name of the novel

(a) Amelia (b) David Copperfield (c) Oliver Twist (d) Tom Jones

13. Who wrote "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire"?

(a) Walter Raleigh (b) Trollope (c) Smollett (d) Edward Gibbon

14. Richard Hooker was a prose writer of the

(a) Victorian period (b) Romantic period (c) Elizabethan period (d) Chaucerian age

15. Sir Walter Raleigh died in

(a) 1622 (b) 1621 (c) 1618 (d) 1623

16. D' Artagnan is a character in

(a) The Three Musketeers (b) Don Quixote (c) Alice in Wonderland (d) War and Peace

17. Alexander Dumas was

(a) an English writer (b) an American writer (c) a French writer (d) a German writer

18. Who said about Wordsworth, "He uttered nothing base"

(a) Keats (b) Coleridge (c) Byron (d) Tennyson

19. Which one was not one of the Lake poets?

(a) Shelley (b) Wordsworth (c) Southey (d) Coleridge

20. Emma appeared in

(a) 1816 (b) 1815 (c) 1817 (d) 1820

21. Mrs. Browning's book "Sonnets from the Portuguese" is an inspiring book of

(a) nature poems (b) metaphysical poems (c) love poems (d) didactic poems

22. D.G. Rossetti was the son of

(a) An Italian painter (b) A German poet (c) A French nobleman (d) An English peasant

23. The translation of Goethe's "Wilhelm Meister" appeared in

(a) 1822 (b) 1820 (c) 1832 (d) 1824

24. In 'The Doctor's Dilemma' Shaw makes fun of

(a) teachers (b) physicians (c) painters (d) politicians

25. The Theory of Catharsis is associated with

(a) Plato (b) Dryden

(c) Aristotle (d) Sidney

26. Who wrote 'In Defence of Poetry'?

(a) T.S. Eliot (b) Yeats (c) Keats (d) Shelley

27. 'The Playboy of the Western World' is a play by

(a) Barrie (b) Synge (c) Fry (d) Eliot

28. For the best condensation of a novel Arnold Bennet won a prize of

(a) £ 100 (b)£ 50 (c) £ 25 (d) £ 20

29. Who wrote:

"The year's at the spring.

And day's at the morn."

(a) Tennyson (b) Robert Browning (c) Keats (d) Swinburne

30. The Ring and the Book contains how many more lines than the Iliad?

(a) about three thousand (b) about two thousand (c) about four thousand (d) about five thousand

31. In which poem do the following lines occur? "...Do not all charms fly

At the mere touch of cold philosophy?"

(a) Ode To A Grecian Urn (b) The Eve of St. Agnes (c) Lamia (d) Hyperion

32. Boswell was born in

(a) 1732 (b) 1740 (c) 1735 (d) 1742

33. 'Silent Woman' is a play by

(a) Marlowe (b) Shakespeare (c) Ben Jonson (d) Lyly

34. The Duchess of Malfi was published in

(a) 1632 (b) 1635 (c) 1625 (d) 1623

35. The Scene of Beowulf is laid in

(a) England (b) France(c) Spain (d) None of these

36. Pap is a character in

(a) Great Expectations(b) Huckleberry Finn (c) Silas Mariner (d) The Mocking Bird

37. A Mad Tea Party takes place in

(a) Don Quixote (b) The Three Musketeers (c) Robinson Crusoe (d) Alice in Wonderland

38. What was the name of the girl whom Kalidas loved?

(a) Shakuntala (b) Nagini (c) Kamini (d) Savitri

39. "Kidnapped" was written by

(a) Dickens (b) Thackeray (c) Hardy (d) R.L. Stevenson

40. Mr. Collins is a character in

(a) Sense and Sensibility (b) Pride and Prejudice (c) Emma (d) Hard Times

41. 'The Prisoner of Zenda' was written by

(a) Sterne (b) Trollope (c) Anthony Hope (d) George Eliot

42. What was the full name of Cervantes

(a) Jim Cervantes (b) John Cervantes (c) Miguel de Cervantes

(d) Sir Roger Cervantes

43. The letter referred to in 'The Scarlet Letter is

(a) A (b) B (c) L (d) M

44. Robert Frost lived for some time in

(a) France (b) Germany (c) England (d) Italy

45. Besides being a poet, Chaucer was

(a) a trader (b) a manufacturer (c) a teacher (d) a diplomat

46. Bacon's essays were influenced by

(a) Montesque (b) Montaigne (c) Boccaccio (d) Pascal

47. Charles Lamb worked as a

(a) clerk (b) seaman (c) teacher (d) mechanic

48. Who wrote: "Keep right on to the end of the road."

(a) Shakespeare (b) Milton (c) Sir Harry Lauder (d) Chaucer

49. Who said: "Two men look out through the same bars:

One sees the mud, and the one the stars."

(a) Chaucer (b) Keats (c) Milton (d) Frederick Langbridge

50. In which book does the following line appear: "What a falling off was there."

(a) King Lear (b) Othello (c) Hamlet (d) Antony and Cleopatra


TOP TEST SERIES on English Literature-1/03 TOP TEST SERIES on English Literature-1/03 Reviewed by Debjeet on January 08, 2023 Rating: 5

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