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TOP TEST SERIES on English Literature-1/05

 1. Which of the following sounds is not a guttural

(a) k (b) ng (c) g (d) p

2. Which of the following consonants is not considered redundant

(a) c (b) q (c) r (d) x

3. In which meter is Shelley's 'Ode to the West Wind' written

(a) Terza Rima (b) Ottava Rima (c) Spenserian Stanza (d) Blank Verse

4. Who wrote the following lines:

'"Tis sweet to hear the watchdog's honest bark

Bay deep-mouthed welcome as we near our home."

(a) Shakespeare (b) Byron (c) Pope (d) Robert Bridges

5. Who wrote the following lines :

"The cock's shrill clarion, and the echoing horn,

No more shall rouse than from their lowly bed."

(a) Milton (b) Donne (c) Gray (d) Cowper

6. In which class should we place Spenser's 'Shepherd's Calendar'?

(a) Pastoral (b) Romance (c) Epic (d) Eulogy

7. In which book do the following lines occur: "Here is thy footstool and there rest thy feet where live the poorest, and lowliest, and lost." (a) Ramcharitmanas (b) The Rig Veda

(c) The Gitanjali (d) None of these

8. Who among the following was the contemporary of Tennyson

(a) Auden (b) Robert Browning (c) Cowper (d) Day-Lewis

9. Who wrote the following line:

"God made the country and man made the town".

(a) Blake (b) Cowper (c) Wordsworth (d) Shelley

10. Which one among the following is the correct chronological order

(a) Faerie Queene--Paradise Lost--Lamia-- Prospice

(b) Macbeth--Canterbury Tales-- In Memoriam--Waste Land

(c) Faustus--The Duchess of Malfi--The Eve of St. Agnes--Ulysses

(d) Hamlet--Prelude--Hyperion--Comus

11. Who wrote: "Nectar in a Sieve"?

(a) Mulk Raj Anand (b) Manohar Malgonkar (c) Kamala Markandaya (d) Pearl S. Buck

12. 'The Good Earth' was written by

(a) Raja Rao (b) R.K. Narayan (c) Pearl S. Buck (d) Kamala Markandaya

13. The writer of 'The Dove Found No Rest' is

(a) Pearl S Buck (b) Hemingway (c) Raja Rao (d) Dennis Stoll

14. Who wrote: "So Many Hungers"?

(a) Bhabani Bhattacharya (b) Kamala Markandaya (c) Manohar Malgonkar (d) Chaman Nahal

15. The main theme of 'So Many Hungers' is

(a) the necessity of a revolution (b) the degradation of humanity (c) a description of nature (d) a vision of India as a developed country

16. Who said about Shaw:

"He studied every known theory of socialism" (a) Hudson (b) Hugh Walker

(c) Henderson (d) Legouis

17. Who is the writer of "The Middleman and Other Stories "?

(a) Mulk Raj Anand (b) Bharati Mukherjee (c) Tagore (d) Prem Chand

18. Which one of the following is not an example of "fine writing" according to Prof. Terry Eagleton of St. Catherine College, University of Oxford

(a) Lamb (b) Macaulay (c) Mill (d) Darwin

19. Which one among the following cannot be considered an early Indian English poet

(a) Henry Derozio (b) Toru Dutt (c) Manmohan Ghosh (d) Kamala Das

20. Who declared that he would "sing the song" of his "experience."

(a) Shiv K. Kumar (b) Nissim Ezekiel (c) KekiN. Daruwalla (d) Jayanta Mahapatra

21. Who said, "I only know how to work at one poem at a time, stitch by stitch"

(a) Nissim Ezekiel (b) A.K. Ramanujan (c) Shiv K. Kumar (d) Arun Kolatkar

22. Cicero was a Roman

(a) philologist (b) physician (c) orator (d) None of these

23. Who is the writer of "Gita Rahasya"?

(a) Tulsi Das (b) Vivekananda (c) Shivananda (d) B.G.Tilak

24. In Arnold's 'The Scholar Gipsy,' the great modern melancholy is spiritualized into a symbol of

(a) the advent of a new age (b) mystery and dreams (c) a source of poetic inspiration

(d) an expectation of some divine dispensation.

25. 'The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam' was translated into English by

(a) Robert Browning (b) Tennyson (c) Fitz Gerald (d) Hopkins

26. Mayakovsky was the famous poet of (a) France (b) Italy (c) Austria (d) Russia

27. Marquese originally wrote his "One Hundred Years of Solitude" in

(a) French (b) German (c) Spanish (d) Italian

28. The word 'Dialogue' is derived from "dialogos" which is a

(a) German word (b) Latin word (c) French word (d) Greek word

29. The word 'strength' is derived from 'strengthu' which is

(a) A French word (b) A Latin word (c) An Old English word (d) An Italian word

30. Who said, "Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world"?

(a) Shelley (b) Keats (c) Byron (d) Coleridge

31. In which of Shakespeare's plays does Lancelott Gobbo appear

(a) Tempest (b) The Merchant of Venice (c) Winter's Tale (d) Cymbeline

32. In which year did Tagore receive the Nobel Prize?

(a) 1912 (b) 1913 (c) 1914 (d) 1915

33. In which year did the Bolshevik Revolution take place?

(a) 1918 (b) 1920 (c) 1921 (d) 1917

34. From the poem of which poet did E.M. Forster take the name of his novel "A Passage to India"?

(a) Frost (b) Sandburg (c) Whitman (d) Yeats

35. Identify Emile Bronte's novel in the following

(a) Persuasion (b) Wuthering Heights (c) Jane Eyre (d) Middlemarch

36. Which one is believed to be the first English tragedy

(a) Gorboduc (b) The Spanish Tragedy (c) Dr. Faustus (d) The Jew of Malta

37. Which of the following works is not by Milton

(a) Paradise Lost (b) IlPenseroso (c) Lycidas (d) Maud

38. 'Music At Night' is a book of essays by

(a) A.G. Gardiner (b) Bertrand Russell (c) Aldous Huxley (d) Chesterton

39. The character of Sherlock Holmes was created by

(a) Arthur Conan Doyle (b) Hazlitt (c) I.A. Richards (d) Agatha Christie

40. Who pruned the draft of the 'Waste Land' to about one-third of its original length?

(a) I.A. Richards (b) W.B. Yeats (c) Ezra Pound (d) Virginia Woolf

41. Who wrote the Preface to the Gitanjali

(a) W.B. Yeats (b) T.S. Eliot (c) Auden (d) Philip Larkin

42. What can be said to be the tragic flaw in Hamlet?

(a) Revenge (b) Indecisiveness (c) Hastiness (d) Suspicion

43. Who said the following words:

"There is Providence even in the fall of a sparrow"

(a) Tennyson (b) Shelley (c) Keats (d) Eliot

44. Who wrote 'The Spanish Tragedy'

(a) Shakespeare (b) Thomas Kyd (c) Marlowe (d) Lyly

45. Name the author of "1984"

(a) George Orwell (b) Graham Greene (c) Naipaul (d) James Joyce

46. Who is the creator of Wessex

(a) Dickens (b) Smollett (c) Meredith (d) Hardy

47. Columbus discovered America in

(a) 1490 (b) 1492 (c) 1482 (d) 1488

48. Who said of Keats that he was "snuffed out by an article"

(a) Shelley (b) Wordsworth (c) Browning (d) Byron

49 . Who said, "Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings".

(a) Herrick (b) Lovelace (c) Wordsworth (d) Thomas Nash

50. Who said that democracy was like a balloon

(a) Galsworthy (b) Shaw (c) Hardy (d) I.A. Richards

TOP TEST SERIES on English Literature-1/05 TOP TEST SERIES on English Literature-1/05 Reviewed by Debjeet on January 09, 2023 Rating: 5

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