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TOP TEST SERIES on English Literature-1/07

 1. Who wrote: "The Ideal of a Christian Church"

(a) John Keble (b) Newman to Nash (d) William George Ward

2. Which of the following is not the off-shoot of Romanticism

(a) Aesthetic Theory (b) Pre-Raphaelitism to Classicism (d) Super-naturalism

3. The greatest worshipper of beauty among the Romantic poets was

(a) Keats (b) Shelley to Byron (d) Wordsworth

4. Humanism is most pronounced in

(a) Romanticism (b) Renascence to Classicism (d) Pre-Raphaelitism

5. When was Hazlitt born

(a) 1782 (b) 1780 (c) 1778 (d) 1785

6. Which of the following odes is not by Keats

(a) Ode on Intimations of Immortality (b) Ode to a Nightingale

(c) Ode on a Grecian Urn (d) Ode to Autumn

7. Which of the following is not a Romantic characteristic?

(a) An atmosphere of wonder (b) An impression of strangeness

(c) A conscious adherence to set rules (d) Spontaneousness

8. In which country was Romanticism associated with an innovatory aesthetic creed

(a) England (b) France (c) Italy (d) Germany

9. English Romanticism from 1790 to 1830 being a native development, was partly influenced by (a)

Germany (b) France (c) Spain (d) Italy

10. Crabbe was mainly a.........poet.

(a) Romantic (b) Realistic (c) Metaphysical (d) None of these

11. Which characteristic among the following is not contained in "The Monk" by Lewis

(a) Lack of moral depth (b) Highly religious atmosphere (c) A sense of unreality

(d) Melodramaticism

12. Which of the following works is not that of David Hume

(a) Treatise of Human Nature (b) The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire

(c) Political Discourses (d) History of Great Britain

13. In Tristram Shandy, the hero is born in

(a) the second book (b) the fourth book (c) the third book (d) the fifth book

14. Don Quixote basically presents

(a) the romantic nature of man (b) the contrasting glory and misery of mankind

(c) the greedy nature of man (d) the foolish instincts inherent in man's nature

15. In writing Tristram Shandy, Sterne was mainly influenced by

(a) Shakespeare (b) Chaucer (c) Cervantes (d) Lamb

16. Tristram Shandy is primarily a.........novel

(a) sentimental (b) romantic (c) comical (d) intellectual

17. In the 'Vicar of Wakefield' Goldsmith mainly offers a.............figure

(a) romantic (b) moral (c) carefree (d) extremely worried

18. What is A.C. Bradley mainly known for

(a) Shakespearean comedy (b) Historical plays of Shakespeare (c) Shakespearean tragedy

(d) Shakespeare's romances

19. Who is the writer of 'The School for Scandal'

(a) Ben Jonson (b) R.B. Sheridan (c) Congreve (d) Webster

20. Raymond Williams is primarily a

(a) Dramatist (b) Novelist (c) Essayist (d) Critic

21. Who is the writer of the poem "The Canonization"

(a) Milton (b) Dryden (c) Donne (d) Chaucer

22. Name the writer of the poem "Wind Hour"

(a) Hopkins (b) Eliot (c) Dryden (d) Yeats

23. Who is the writer of the poem "Adam's Course"

(a) Eliot (b) Tagore (c) Yeats (d) Shelley

24. Who wrote the poem: "Lay Your Sleeping Head".

(a) Auden (b) Yeats (c) Stephen Spender (d) Ted Hughes

25. The play "The Birthday Party" is written by

(a) G.B. Shaw (b) Galsworthy (c) Harold Pinter (d) Osborne

26. Who is believed to be the writer of "On the Sublime"

(a) Aristotle (b) Longinus (c) Plato (d) M.Arnold

27. Name the author of "An Essay on Dramatic Poesie"

(a) Dryden (b) Sidney (c) Shelley (d) Arnold

28. Who is the writer of "Culture and Society"

(a) Cleanth Brooks (b) Eliot (c) Bertrand Russell (d) Raymond Williams

29. The writer of the 'Mirror and the Lamp' is

(a) Hume (b) Lionel Trilling (c) M.H. Abrams (d) Sean Lucy

30. The writer of "Provide Provide" is

(a) Whitman (b) Frost (c) Yeats (d) Auden

31. In whose essays the idea of the "oversoul" pervades...........

(a) Thoreau (b) Emerson (c) Whitman (d) Mark Twain

32. Who wrote "Desire Under the Elms"

(a) Arthur Miller (b) Osborne (c) Eugene O'Neill (d) Shaw

33. Who is the writer of "A Severed Head"

(a) Iris Murdoch (b) Paul Scott (c) Goldwing (d) Huxley

34. 'Das Kapital' is written by

(a) Engel (b) Freud (c) Marx (d) Lawrence

35. "Waiting for Godot" is written by

(a) Samuel Beckett (b) Ibsen (c) Brecht (d) Chekhov

36. Who is the writer of "A House for Mr. Biswas"?

(a) Salman Rushdie (b) V.S. Naipaul (c) Vikram Seth (d) R.K. Narayan

37. Name which is not the work of Marlowe

(a) Richard I (b) Tambarlaine (c) The Jew of Malta (d) Dr. Faustus

38. Name the writer of the poem "The Weary Blues"

(a) Longfellow (b) Whitman (c) Frost (d) Langston Hughes

39. Which of the following poems is not written by Robert Lowell

(a) In the Cage (b) Dolphin(c) Good Morning (d) The Old Flame

40. Which of the following poems is written by Wallace Stevens

(a) Red Sun Blues (b) Sunday Morning (c) From Survivor (d) "Going"

41. Which of the following poems is not written by Philip Larkin

(a) Art Grass (b) Sad Steps (c) Traveller (d) Church going

42. Oedipus Rex was written by

(a) Sophocles (b) Homer (c) Seneca (d) Aeschylus

43. Flaubert's famous work is

(a) Odysseus (b) Madame Bovary (c) The Trial (d) The Outsider

44. Northrop Fry is basically a

(a) Dramatist (c) Poet (b) Novelist (d) Critic

45. The writer of "The Beauty in a State" is

(a) Raja Rao (b) Tagore (c) Shelley (d) Ananda Coomaraswami

46. The most essential work of K.R. Srinivas Iyengar is

(a) Indian Way of Writing (b) Indians Under the Foreign Rule

(c) Indian Writing in English(d) Indian Literary Scene

47. The writer of "The Swan and the Eagle" is

(a) M.K. Naik (b) CD. Narasimhaiah (c) Bruce King ..(d) V.K. Gokak

48. Name the writer of the book "Introducing Applied Linguistics" (Penguin)

(a) Allen (b) Mac Arthur (c) G.A. Leech (d) S. Pittcorder

49. Danglars is a character in

(a) The Treasure Island (b) Monte Cristo (c) Oliver Twist (d) Huckleberry Finn

50. "A sleepless hour or more has its strange value only in the middle." Name the writer of the lines given above

(a) KamalaDas (c) Dilip Chitre (b) Daruwalla (d) Nissim Ezekiel

TOP TEST SERIES on English Literature-1/07 TOP TEST SERIES on English Literature-1/07 Reviewed by Debjeet on January 10, 2023 Rating: 5

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