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TOP TEST SERIES on English Literature-1/16

 In whose Ashram did Shakuntala live?

(a) Kanva (b) Vashisht (c) Indra (d) Durvasa

2. The name of the king who came to the ashram where Shakuntala lived was

(a) Porus (b) Arjuna (c) Dushyanta (d) Nala

3. Meghdoot was written by

(a) Bharitrihari (b) Valmiki (c) Patanjali (d) Kalidas

4. Who is the writer of the following sentence: "I think one of the reasons why I stopped writing novels is that the social aspect of the world changed so much."

(a) Tagore (b) Forster (c) Joyce (d) Henry James

5. Who wrote the following:

"Agriculture is not one industry among many, but is a way of life."

(a) Macaulay (b) Jawaharlal Nehru (c) Trevelyan (d) Birla

6. From which year is the modern period of English literature generally accepted to have started.

(a) 1897 (b) 1899 (c) 1901 (d) 1900

7. Who wrote the following sentence: "It was in 1915 the old world ended."

(a) Forster (b) Huxley (c) Lawrence (d) Russell

8. When did G.K. Chesterton die?

(a) 1932 (b) 1934 (c) 1936 (d) 1938

9. Who wrote 'The Second World War' (in six volumes)

(a) Stalin (b) Trevelyan (c) Lenin (d) Winston Churchill

10. In which year was I. A. Richard's "The Meaning of Meaning" published

(a) 1930 (b) 1921 (c) 1923 (d) 1927

11. When did J.M. Barrie die?

(a) 1935 (b) 1939 (c) 1938 (d) 1937

12. When did Sean O'Casey die?

(a) 1961 (b) 1964 (c) 1971 (d) 1960

13. When did John Osborne die?

(a) 1981 (b) 1991 (c) 1994 (d) 1996

14. Who among the following may be described as a naturalist?

(a) Shaw (b) Aldous Huxley (c) Noel Coward (d) None of these

15. Who among the following is a model more of Juvenalian rather than Horatian satire?

(a) Swift (b) Addison (c) Steele (d) Goldsmith

16. Comedy of Manners flourished in the.......... period

(a) Elizabethan (b) Restoration (c) Victorian (d) Romantic

17. Which of the following is not a fictional satirist?

(a) Mark Twain (b) Rabelais (c) Lamb (d) Cervantes

18. "Sestina" is

(a) the other name for a sonnet, (b) a complex French lyrical form (c) the old English word 'seista' (d) None of these

19. What is meant by "Envoy" in context with 'sestina'

(a) A message (b) The first three lines (c) The last three lines (d) The first quatrain

20. What is the correct chronological sequence in the following :

(a) Alastor--Lycidas--Epithalamion--Lucy Gray (b) Epithalamion--Alastor--Lucy Gray-- Lycidas

(c) Lucy Gray--Epithalamion--Lycidas—Alastor (d) Epithalamion--Lycidas--Lucy Gray-- Alastor

21. Point out the correct chronological sequence

(a) Maud--Shakespeare--To Autumn—Christabel (b) Christabel--To Autumn--Maud-- Shakespeare

(c) To Autumn--Maud--Christabel-- Shakespeare (d) Shakespeare--Maud--Christabel--To Autumn

22. When did Coleridge die?

(a) 1836 (b) 1837 (c) 1834 (d) 1841

23. In which of the following poems of Chaucer do the following lines occur?

"O hateful harm! condicion of poverte! With thrust, with cold, with hunger so confounded."

(a) The Prologue of the Mannes Tale of Lawe (b) Prologue to the Canterbury Tales

(c) The Pardoner's Tale (d) The Nonne Preeste's Talc

24. Spenser wooed Elizabeth Boyle (whom he later married) in his

(a) Faerie Queene (b) Amoretti (c) Epithalamion (d) None of these

25. In his command of metaphor, Shakespeare

(a) has his peer in Milton (b) has so many peers, (c) is alone (d) cannot excel Yeats

26. In which book of Paradise Lost does Milton say--"God is light"

(a) Bk I (b) Bk II (c) Bk III (d) Bk VII

27. In which book of Paradise Lost does the following line occur:

"A Paradise within thee, happier far."

(a) Bk I (b) Bk II (c) Bk VII (d) Bk XII

28. In which book of Milton does the following line occur :

"All is best, though we oft doubt."

(a) Paradise Lost (b) Samson Agonistes (c) Comus (d) L'Allegro

29. Goldsmith's 'The Traveller' was published in

(a) 1761 (b) 1767 (c) 1763 (d) 1764

30. Who said the following words about Goldsmith: "One of the first men we now have as an author."

(a) Jonson (b) Johnson (c) Addison (d) Stevenson

31. Dr. Primrose is a character in

(a) Vanity Fair (b) David Copperfield (c) The Vicar of Wakefield (d) The Mill on the Floss

32. Who is the writer of "Ode To Duty" (a) Shelley (b) Plato (c) Wordsworth (d) Byron

33. Who wrote: "The Retreat"

(a) Wordsworth (b) George Herbert (c) Herrick (d) Vaughan

34. 'The Cloister and the Hearth" is a masterpiece by

(a) Trollope (b) Charles Reade (c) Bulwer Lytton (d) Kingsley

35. Charlotte Bronte died in

(a) 1855 (b) 1857 (c) 1851 (d) 1853

36. Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy appeared in

(a) 1620 (b) 1621 (c) 1623 (d) 1622

37. The first regular newspaper, "The Weekly News" appeared in

(a) 1621 (b) 1623 (c) 1622 (d) 1627

38. Bacon died in

(a) 1625 (b) 1626 (c) 1627 (d) 1628

39. About whom can it be most appropriately said, "a man of grief who makes the world glad"

(a) Wordsworth (b) Tennyson (c) Shakespeare (d) Coleridge

40. What is the name of the hero in Shaw's "The Devil's Disciple'

(a) Burgoyne (b) The Clergyman (c) Dick (d) None of these

41. Who is the writer of "Waiting"

(a) Yeats (b) Katharine Tynan (c) Synge (d) Barrie

42. Who is the writer of Novum Organum

(a) Bacon (b) Lamb (c) Montaigne (d) Stevenson

43. Who said: "the world owes some of its greatest debts to man from whose memory the world recoils."

(a) Socrates (b) Stubb (c) Pope (d) Shakespeare

44. Who is the writer of the lines :

"And as for me, though that my wit be lyte, On bookes for to rede I am delyte."

(a) Chaucer (b) Langland (c) Gower (d) Dunbar

45. In which play of Shakespeare do the following lines appear :

"On, on, you noblest English, Follow your spirit."

(a) Henry IV (b) Julius Caesar (c) Hamlet (d) Henry V

46. The complete cycle of the early Miracle play of England was presented every year beginning on

(a) Corpus Christi day (b) Christmas day (c) Good Friday (d) Easter day

47. Which of the following is not one of the known cycles of the Miracle plays in England?

(a) Chester cycle (b) Manchester cycle (c) York cycle (d) Wakefield

48. King Charles I ascended the throne in (a) 1622 (b) 1625 (c) 1627 (d) 1621

49. Literary tastes of King James I were (a) enlightened (b) average (c) mean (d) uncertain

50. Who ruled over England from 1649-60

(a) James I (c) Olive Cromwell (b) Charles I (d) James II

TOP TEST SERIES on English Literature-1/16 TOP TEST SERIES on English Literature-1/16 Reviewed by Debjeet on February 08, 2023 Rating: 5

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