1. Which of the following was not the one who carried forward the tradition of Donne
(a) Vaughan (b) Marvell (c) Crashaw (d) Swinburne
2. Which one among the following was not a Cavalier
(a) Herrick (b) Lovelace (c) Donne (d) Suckling
3. Who wrote 'Cooper's Hill'
(a) Suckling (b) John Denham to Marvell (d) Cowley
4. Name the writer of "Pindarique Odes"
(a) Cowley (b) Wordsworth (c) Shelley (d) Keats
5. Who believed in the hedonist philosophy of 'eat, drink and be merry'
(a) Metaphysical poets (b) Puritans (c) Cavaliers (d) Romantics
6. Name the writer of "Life of Cowley" (a) Dr. Johnson (b) Boswell (c) Dryden (d) Herbert
7. Marvell's love poem "To His Coy Mistress" is written in the...........tradition.
(a) metaphysical (b) romantic (c) Elizabethan (d) Chaucerian
8. Who among the following formed prominently part of a Cambridge community of poets known as "the sons of Ben Jonson"
(a) Herrick (b) Herbert (c) Vaughan (d) Dryden
9. Which one among the following should be considered a heroic play rather than a comedy
(a) Dryden's 'All for Love' (b) Wycherley's 'The Country Wife'
(c) Farquhar's 'The Beaux Stratagem' (d) Congreve's 'The Way of the World'
10. Which poet among the following may be said to be belonging to the Caroline period
(a) Dryden (b) Pope (c) Donne (d) Tennyson
11. Which one among the following is prominently a satire
(a) Hudibras (b) Otway's Venice Preserv'd
(c) Pilgrim's Progress (d) The Country Wife
12. Who among the following cannot be said to treat poetry with fashionable irresponsibility?
(a) Earl of Rochester (b) Dryden (c) Sir Charles Sedley (d) Earl of Dorset
13. Name the writer of "Humphry Clinker" (a) Sterne (b) Smollet (c) Richardson (d) Trollope
14. William Collins was born in
(a) 1722 (b) 1724 (c) 1721 (d) 1723
15. Boswell died in
(a) 1795 (b) 1791 (c) 1794 (d) 1793
16. Thomas Paine wrote "Rights of Man"
(a) in reply to Burke's Reflections on the French Revolution (b) to express his personal views
(c) to elaborate the views of Rousseau (d) as a reply to Godwin's 'Political Justice'
17. According to the French poet Baudelaire, romanticism was situated in
(a) mode of feelings (b) choice of subjects (c) exact truth (d) None of these
18. Who said: "the essence of romantic art is that in it the spirit counts far more than the form"
(a) Hugh Walker (b) Grierson (c) I.A. Richards (d) Abererombie
19. Which one of the following Lamb loved (a) new books (b) new faces (c) new years (d) old books
20. In which of Lamb's essays do the following sentences occur:
"Is the world all from up? Is childhood dead?"
(a) Old Benchers of the Inner Temple (b) New Year's Eve (c) Imperfect Sympathies (d) All Fools' Day
21. Of which play Shakespeare Desdemona is the heroine
(a) Othello (b) Macbeth (c) King Lear (d) Antony and Cleopatra
22. Napoleon was finally defeated in the Battle of Waterloo in
(a) 1805 (b) 1815 (c) 1830 (d) 1810
23. Swift's Yahoos are creatures of
(a) reason (b) impulse (c) high ideals (d) acute analytical minds
24. Who wrote the following lines: "Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive, But to be young was very heaven."
(a) Wordsworth (b) Shelley (c) Byron (d) Coleridge
25. In which canto of Childe Harold's Pilgrimage does the following line occur :
"There is a pleasure in the pathless woods"
(a) I (b) II (c) III (d) IV
26. In which poem does the following line occur: "Thou wast not born for death, immortal bird"
(a) Ode To a Skylark (b) To the Cuckoo (c) Ode To a Nightingale (d) None of these
27. In which year was "The Origin of Species" published?
(a) 1859 (b) 1861 (c) 1862 (d) 1857
28. Who was the most representative poet of the Victorian age
(a) Browning (b) Tennyson (c) Arnold (d) Robert Bridges
29. In which work do two sisters Laura and Lizzy exist
(a) Goblin Market (b) David Copperfield (c) Thyrsis (d) The Prince's Progress
30. Which of the following works is not by Mrs.Gaskell
(a) Cranford (b) Ruth (c) Hypatia (d) North and South
31. Who wrote: "Westward Ho!"
(a) Kingsley (b) Mrs. Gaskell (c) Thackeray (d) Hemingway
32. Which one among the following was Dickens' first work
(a) The Pickwick Papers (b) Sketches by Boz
(c) Oliver Twist (d) Nicholas Nickleby
33. Which is the correct chronological sequence
(a) The Happy Prince--The Newcomer-- Michael--Adam Bede
(b) Adam Bede--The Newcomer--Michael-- The Happy Prince
(c) Michael--The Newcomer--Adam Bede-- The Happy Prince
(d) The Newcomer--Adam Bede--The Happy Prince--Michael
34. Who is the writer of "Vox Clamantis"
(a) Chaucer (b) Langland (c) Wyclif (d) Gower
35. Gower was a contemporary of
(a) Chaucer (b) Spenser (c) Donne (d) Dryden
36. Theophrastus was a............writer
(a) Greek (b) Roman (c) Latin (d) German
37. LaBruy'ere was a............writer
(a) Greek (b) Latin (c) French (d) Roman
38. Who wrote 'The Sound and the Fury"
(a) Saul Bellow (b) Hemingway (c) Flaubert (d) Faulkner
39. Who wrote the character of'Charles II'
(a) Halifax (b) Overbury (c) Hall (d) None of these
40. In writing the characters of Virtues and Vices, Hall was influenced by
(a) Aristophanes (b) Theophrastus (c) Euripides (d) Sophocles
41. A play that is usually written to be read rather than acted or performed is called a
(a) closet drama (b) melodrama (c) comic play (d) an interlude
42. A pause in a line of verse necessary for the natural rhythm of the language is known as
(a) an acrostic (b) an allusion (c) an assonance (d) a caesura
43. Copernicus brought about a revolution in the field of
(a) astronomy (b) astrology (c) literature (d) science
44. Who among the following was not a university wit
(a) Marlowe (b) Lodge (c) Shakespeare (d) Greene
45. In literature the term "Purism" among other things means
(a) exclusion of dance from drama (b) exclusion of music from drama
(c) maintenance of absolute standards of correctness in writing (d) rejection of all kinds of immorality
46. In which play of Shakespeare, does the following line appear:
"Doomsday is near; die all, merrily"
(a) Henry V (b) Cymbeline (c) Tempest (d) Henry IV, Part I
47. Who speaks the following words in Eliot's Murder in the Cathedral :
"We are not here to triumph by fighting.... ...We have only to conquer Now, by suffering."
(a) Thomas Becket (b) Ist Knight (c) IInd Knight (d) 3rd Knight
48. Who is the writer of "Frogs"
(a) Aeschylus (b) Aristophanes (c) Euripides (d) Plato
49. Which of the following is not the internal element of tragedy as enunciated by Aristotle
(a) Plot (b) Character (c) Thought (d) Diction
50. Which is the only kind of poetry that Plato allows in his Republic
(a) that in the form of a hymn to the gods and praises of famous men
(b) epic (c) lyrical (d) dramatic
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