Due March-April 2024. The journal receives papers on Literature, Media Studies, Film Studies, Visual and Performative Arts, and Teaching (Language and Literature). Papers in said areas need to focus on the following themes: Nationalism/ Post-nationalism, Colonialism/Postcolonialism/Decolonization, Race, Gender Studies, Ethnicity, and Identity.
The journal only publishes original articles, not already published, not under simultaneous review at any other publication.
They also receive a limited number of book reviews, of titles published no earlier than three years prior to the year of the publication of this volume.
Both the articles and the book reviews must be in English (USA). Articles must be analytic, between 5000-8000 words, and follow the MLA Style (8th Edition). Book reviews must be 1000-3000 words.
Abstracts must be 150-200 words.
Papers will be first scanned for plagiarism, then sent to double-blind peer-review. We hope to give you an acceptance/rejection answer in a maximum of 3 months from the day we receive your article.
HyperCultura is indexed at CEEOL, Ulrichsweb, DOAJ, MLA Directory of Periodicals, EBSCO, ERIH PLUS, and *SCOPUS* . And visible through WorldCat.
Current issue at
Submission deadline: November 20, 2023
Please visit our Guidelines for Authors.
Publication fee: NIL
Contact person:
Prof. Sorina Georgescu – sorinamaria21@gmail.com
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