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Fifth International Conference (Indore Institute of Law)


on Law, Management & Social Science
24th& 25th JUNE, 2023
In Association with
“Conference on Emerging Technologies in Legal Tech:
Opportunities and Challenges”

The Conference on Emerging Technologies in Legal Tech
Opportunities and Challenges is a platform to explore
the latest trends and issues in the field of emerging
t e c h n o l o g i e s a n d t h e i r imp a c t o n t h e l e g a l ,
management, and social science sectors. The
conference will feature sub-themes on Law,
Management, and Social Science, each delving into
specific topics related to the overall theme. The Law subtheme
will cover navigating the intersection of
Competition law and Emerging Technologies,
Navigating the Complexities of intellectual property in
the digital age, AI and breach of privacy. The
Management sub-theme will explore AI and the future
of Business, AI-powered business growth: opportunities
and challenges in the digital age, AI and Governance:
Opportunities and Challenges. The Social Science subtheme
will address ethical and social implications of AI in
Healthcare and Medicine, AI and Education:
Advancements, Opportunities and Challenges, and AI
and Governance: Opportunities and Challenges.
Participants will have the opportunity to present their
papers and engage in a constructive discourse on the
emerging technologies and their impact on various
The idea of the conference is for researcher, scholars
and academicians for overall development all around
the globe and the industry to present ongoing research
activities. This conference will fulfil the requirement of
industry and academics in contemporary scenario. This
conference provides opportunities for the delegates to
exchange new ideas and application experiences face to
face, to establish business or research relations and to
find global partners for future collaboration.


The agenda of the "Emerging Technologies in Legal Tech:
Opportunities and Challenges" conference is to explore
the opportunities and challenges associated with
emerging technologies in the legal sector and provide
insights into how these technologies can increase
productivity and streamline work flows while balancing
technology with the practice of law. The conference aims
to bring together legal professionals, technology experts,
and industry leaders to discuss the adoption of new
technologies in legal practice, ethical considerations, data
analytics in litigation, cyber security and privacy,
automation in legal research, the arrival of Web 3.0 and
block chain-based technologies, artificial intelligence and
cloud-based solutions, and current legal technology
trends. The conference will provide a platform for
attendees to learn about the latest trends and
innovations in legal technology and to network with likeminded
Call for Papers
We cordially invite articles, case notes and research
papers on the theme from all academicians, researchers,
advocates, social activists and students pursuing law or
any other academic degree. Interested participants may
submit their abstract and full papers for the conference
on the following email id:
conference@indoreinstituteoflaw.org ;
Submission Guidelines
The language of the paper, working language of the
seminar and the presentations shall be done in English
Co-authorship is permitted, subject to a limit of maximum
two authors per submission.
The author(s) are required to send abstract of their
papers, upon selection of which they will be required to
send their papers.
The abstract must contain the highlights of the full paper
and should not exceed 500 words. The soft copy of the
abstract shall be submitted along with a cover page.
Author(s) name(s), University/ Organization, Paper title, Email,
Correspondence address and Mobile number to be stated clearly on the cover page of the letter.
No part of the paper should have been published earlier
nor should it be under consideration for publication.
Any form of plagiarism will result in immediate
Author(s) will be required to fill the online registration
form after selection of their abstract.
One person may submit a maximum of only 1 article.
Participants who wish to only submit the paper in
conference without presenting in conference may submit
the paper. They will be provided certificate for
participating in the conference and will be considered for
the category of Attendees only.
Participants who want to present and submit their paper
will be provided with the participation / Publication
Certificate. Participants who wish to get their paper
published in will be published in the following journals-

Format Guidelines:
The text should be in Times New Roman, font size
12,spacing 1.5. The footnotes should be in Times New
Roman, font size 10 with single spacing.
One inch margin on all the sides should bemaintained.
20th bluebook citation format shall be strictlyfollowed.
The paper should be within 3500-4500 wordsinclusive
of footnotes and abstract.
The paper must be aligned with the plagiarism
reportwithout which submission will be cancelled.

Certificate And Publication Opportunity :
All the papers submitted, that adhere to 80%uniqueness content will be published in an ISSN E-journal/ISBN Book
subject to receipt of registration fee.
All the students/delegates will get a certificate of participation/publication.
The Institution reserves the discretion of the selection of the paper and the same will be binding.
The paper will be published in the E-journal within next 30 days of end of the Conference.
Registration Details and Registration Link:
The following steps must be adhered by the aspiring delegates to successfully register themselves for the Conference.
The Abstract is invited for around 500 words.
In case your Abstract is accepted, you can register for the Conference.
Follow this link to register yourself: Link
You can also find the above Registration link on the college website: https://www.indoreinstituteoflaw.org
Payment of registration fees (as applicable according to the category of participation).
Fill the required details in the online registration form and attach the receipt of payment in the space provided.

Accommodation Cost is 1000/- (One day Accommodation 24th June 2023 inclusive of food)
1. Registration fee once paid won't be refunded under any circumstances.
2. The certificate will be provided within a month from the date of intimation of selection.
3. A student/delegate is allowed to submit/ present maximum one paper in the chosen theme.
4. In case of default or absence in presenting the paper, Author/Presenter will be solely responsible.
5. Delay in submission of paper will result in disqualification and no refund of registration fee will be made.
6. For submission and/or queries, write to us at: conference@indoreinstituteoflaw.org.
7. For any Further Details visit our website: https://www.indoreinstituteoflaw.org


Fifth International Conference (Indore Institute of Law) Fifth International Conference (Indore Institute of Law) Reviewed by Debjeet on May 18, 2023 Rating: 5

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