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International Conference on Soliloquies, Monologues and Speeches in Shakespeare

 International Conference

Soliloquies, Monologues and Speeches in Shakespeare

organised by

Kanoria PG Mahila Mahavidyalaya,Jaipur

in association with

The Shakespeare Association, India



26-28 October, 2023


Kanoria PG Mahila Mahavidyalaya

Gandhi Circle,JLN Marg ,Jaipur-302015,Rajashtan, India

Concept Note/About the Conference

Although soliloquy is uttered in solitude, and feel speech in public, both reflect the speaker's ability to feel, think and communicate. One can excel, like Antony does in Julius Caesar, one can also overdo as Polonius does in Hamlet; one can ruminate and reveal one’s own self, one's core of heart as well as one’s cunning to conceal one’s intents and purposes, Shakespeare offers in his dramatic compositions numerous examples of a large variety of characters and life- situations, through the speeches and soliloquies of his characters, ranging from kings to clowns, Princes to paupers, queens to coquettes, all possible scenarios of joy and sorrow, introversion and intrigue, showing, so to say, mirror up to nature. We learn to feel and think, contemplate and communicate, in all possible life-situations that we encounter in all sorts of events in public and private, at home and at workplace. Thus, through the numerous possible states of probabilities of life that Shakespeare', thirty-seven plays offer, we learn to think and feel, contemplate and communicate making us more sensitive and serious, better equipped to face life at home and in public, in situations of joy and sorrow.

It will be a learning experience, therefore, to discuss and review the speeches, monologues and soliloquies, of the large variety of characters that Shakespeare offers to its readers.

International Conference on Soliloquies, Monologues and Speeches in Shakespeare International Conference on Soliloquies, Monologues and Speeches in Shakespeare Reviewed by Debjeet on May 29, 2023 Rating: 5

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