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Recruitment Notice, Rabindra Bharati University

The University invites applications for Research Assistants and 2 (two) Field Investigators the ICSSR-Minor Research Project entitled Politics(2000-2022): A Diagnostic Study Department of Political Science, Rabindra Bharati University Availability of Application Form The eligible candidates can download the www.rbu.ac.in from 24.05.2023

For Research Assistant:

The candidates having (i) Ph.D/M.Phil/Post minimum 55% marks from any UGC recognized University and (ii) operation, typing and field-work experience

For Field Investigator:

The candidates having (i) Post-Graduate in Social Science discipline with minimum 55% marks from any UGC recognized University and (ii) field-work experience, are eligible to apply.

Research Assistant: Total tenure of the engagement will be 8 date of joining.

Field Investigator: Total tenure of the engagement will be 3( of joining for each Field Investigator

Research Assistant: Emolument will be Rs.16000/

Field Investigator:. Emolument will be Rs.15000/

Website : www.rbu.ac.in

Date: 22.05.2023

NOTICE from the eligible candidates for the post Investigator, purely on temporary basis (tenure based) for “ Nature and Extent of Violation Study’’ under Dr. Biswanath Chakraborty, Professor , Uninversity.

Application forms from the University Website to 08.06.2023.

Eligibility Criteria

Post-Graduate in Social Science discipline with Knowledge in computer

experience, are eligible to apply.

Knowledge in computer operation, Tenure

(eight) months from the three) months from the date Emolument 16000/-p.m.(Consolidated pay)

15000/-p.m.(Consolidated pay) posts of 1(one), in West Bengal

Engagement Conditions

The Research Assistant and Field Investigators should do full time in the project and get

emolument from one source only. Therefore, the Research Assistant and Field Investigators

shall not accept or hold any appointment, paid or otherwise, or receive emoluments, salary,

stipend, etc. from any other source during the tenure of the engagement as per the ICSSR

guidelines. .

How to Apply

The eligible candidates will have to download the application forms from the University

www.rbu.ac.in .It is required to attach a non-refundable demand draft/pay order of Rs.200/-

for the post of Research Assistant and Rs.100/- for the post of Field Investigator drawn in

favour of "Rabindra Bharati University", payable at Kolkata with the application form as

processing fee.

How to Submit Application Forms

Five copies of duly filled- in Application Form (one original and four photocopies) along with

one set of self attested photocopies of the mark sheets of all examinations passed,

certificates, caste certificates, if applicable, NET certificates etc, and demand draft/pay order

as mentioned above need to be submitted to the Office of the Development Officer at 56A,

B.T. Road, Kolkata - 700 050, within 5:00 p.m. of 9th June, 2023 positively.


FROM NO:…………


56 A, B.T.Road, Kolkata

Ph. No. (033) 2557 1028/3028/4028/7161



The Registrar

Rabindra Bharati University

56A, B.T.Road, Kolkata-700050


I beg to apply for the post of ……………………………..

PROJECT in the Department of_________________________

and consideration and for this purpose, I do hereby furnish my particulars in details in the spaces provided hereunder:


1. Name in full (in block letters):………………………………………………

2. Date of Birth:…………………………………………

3. Present Address for Communication:………………………………………………



4. Permanent Address:

5. Mobile number i)………………………(ii) Substitute mobile number, if any:…………

6. Email Id:……………………………………….

7. Aadhaar Number( Photocopy of Aadhaar card to be enclosed):………………………….

8. Category (certificate to be attached if belongs to SC/ST/OBC/PWD)………………….:

9. Name of parent(s):……………………………………………………………………….

10. Occupation of Parent(s):……………………………………………………………….

Website: www.rbu.ac.in




under the ICSSR-MINOR at this University for your kind perusal

(Full signature of Applicant)



Recruitment Notice, Rabindra Bharati University Recruitment Notice, Rabindra Bharati University Reviewed by Debjeet on May 23, 2023 Rating: 5

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