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Research Assistance

 Advertisement for the Post of Research Assistant under ICSSR-Funded Minor Research Project

Department of English, Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), Aligarh

Applications are invited from eligible and interested candidates for the position of Research Assistant in the Department of English, Faculty of Arts, Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), Aligarh, under ICSSR-funded Minor Research Project (F.No. 02/27/2022-23/ICSSR/RP/MN/OBC).

Project Title: “Women and the Tradition of Arabi Malayalam Song-Poetry: A Study of Texts and Contexts”

Duration of the Project: 12 Months

Details of the Post:

Research Assistant (RA): One Post

Essential Qualifications: Ph.D./M.Phil. / Post Graduate in Social Science discipline with minimum 55% marks.

Desirable Qualifications: Experience in conducting archival research and/ oral history; Excellent academic writing skills in English; Preference will be given to candidates with advanced knowledge of the Arabi Malayalam script.

Remuneration and Emoluments: Rs.16, 000/- per month.

How to Apply:

Candidates fulfilling the above essential qualifications may email their CV, cover letter and supporting documents to the Project Director at akmuneer@gmail.com on or before 31 May, 2023.


1. Please write “Application for Research Assistant, ICSSR Minor Research Project 2022-23” in the subject line of your email application.

2. Candidates should appear for interview along with their original certificates and other relevant documents.

3. The short-listed candidates will be notified of the date and time of the interview via email and telephone.

4. No TA/DA is admissible for attending the interview.

5. The decision of the selection committee shall be final.

For further information, please contact Dr. Muneer Aram Kuzhiyan, the Project Director (https://www.amu.ac.in/faculty/english/muneer-aram-kuzhiyan).

Copy to: Dr. Muneer Aram Kuzhiyan

1. Dean, F/o Arts (Project Director, ICSSR Minor Research Project)

2. Dean Students’ Welfare Assistant Professor

3. All Chairpersons, F/o Arts Department of English

4. The Joint Registrar Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh (Selection Committee-NT/Academic) Mobile: 9411413613;Email: akmuneer@gmail.com 5. Director, Computer Centre

(with the request to upload the advertisement on AMU website)

Research Assistance Research Assistance Reviewed by Debjeet on May 17, 2023 Rating: 5

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