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Ambubachi Tithi

 Ambubachi Tithi (22th June to 26th June)

Joy Ma Kamakhya


According to Vedic Astrology or astrology, Ambubachi is celebrated every year on the 7th of Ashar month. According to the scriptures, Ambubachi is celebrated at the time and at the time when the sun tries to Gemini. During the first phase of the Sun Adra star each year, the Earth becomes seasonal from 6 degrees 40 minutes to 10 degrees. This is known as Ambubachi.

The present generation may not know at all; this is a worship festival of the Goddess Earth. Today, when it has become one of the parts of proving oneself modern, denying religious and cultural traditions, I request that you try to understand their inner message instead of considering them discriminatory.

"Which time, what date, Ambavati on the seventh of Ashar." - Many people may remember this word heard from our mother-grandmother in childhood.

The present generation knows very little about many pujas, arches, and rituals which have been common since ancient times. This is that day, since 1970, under the guidance of the United Nations, every year 22nd of April is observed as Earth Day worldwide. We are so indifferent to ancient Indian civilization and culture that we don't know that from ancient times even Indians used to celebrate Earth Day by using the name Ambubachi or Ambavati or Amabati. Or we don't believe our ancestors could think this way!

Basundhara is mentioned everywhere in Veda-Puran, says Mother Earth. Not only that, long before the arrival of Aryans, the people of Australian civilization worshipped Mother Earth under different names and still are.

As in Odisha's Kandhamal district's Kandhmal district belief, their ancient mother is Earth Devi or 'Darni'/Tana' Penu, and their father is the mountain god 'Saru Penu.'

The word 'Laka' is associated with the names of various festivals in their society. Like Harvest Festival 'Sisa Laka', Mahua Flower Festival 'Maranga Laka', Mango Food Festival 'Kedu Laka' etc. This festival is, but in reality, the world is worship. Without sacrificing their mother earth, they do not eat mangoes, Mahua does not collect flowers, and they do not reap such crops.

In ancient India, this earth goddess was worshipped with Ambubachi or Amabati. But how?

In the natural law of nature, the virgin daughter thrives in femininity when she is menstrual, she can have children, and the mother develops in the nation.

Similarly, the holders and carriers of agricultural Indian civilization believed that Mata Vashundhara was Ritumati from the seventh to the tenth month of Ashar. Of course, the foundation of this belief is linked to the agricultural society system of ancient India. This means Ambubachi is an agricultural, religious program. It was thought that women could have a child due to the menstrual cycle; similarly, in the month of Ashar, Ritumati Vashundhara will take the form of grain-filled Vasundhara and give food to her uncountable children.

This is why farmers do not give up on the land for these four days; they do not touch the soil. Monks and Yogis don't hit the ground; they walk with extreme surrender. Instead of burning the Earth on fire, drink only fruits and raw milk. But I wonder why only widows have adopted the same method nowadays.

Hinduism has been said to give Ambubachi a religious form that Kamakhya Devi of Kamrup also lives in Ritumati. Our ancestors knew it would be more acceptable if social events were presented with a spiritual twist.

The doors of Kamakhya temple remain closed for four days in Ambubachi. Still, millions of devotees from India, Nepal, and Bangladesh sing kirtan sitting on the temple premises for these few days. Thousands of female fans travel to pals. Fans roam around with small pieces of red cloth tied to their heads and hands.

When today's patriarchal Brahminist society with social and religious secrets, in the days of so many advances in science, the process of a healthy average body is also impure; when many temples of India want to stop seasonal girls from entering, do we forget that in the distant past our ancestors are the symbol of the menstrual cycle of mother power, The small pieces of red cloth were not at all confused to give devotion and social recognition.

Earlier on the day of Ambubachi, banana tree mandates were built in many houses in Bengal. With banana leaves covered on top of this, a pour of clay or dip on that banana leaf, on that lamp of vermilion was performed with tap rice, incense, paddy durbar, basil leaves, etc. Many types of cut fruits and raw milk were offered for Puja. After distributing prasad after completing the puja, the pandas were flooded. Nowadays, such festivals are not celebrated in the grasp of modernity.

I bow down to Mother Earth-

Mother Earth, kind-hearted Satri.

Goddess Lady Shrestha is innocent and sad.

This festival lasts for three days after Ambubachi started. Ambubachi instinct in this year: i.e. it will start on 22 June i.e. 6 Ashar night D 2. 32nd Gate and 26th June i.e. 10 Ashar Diba Dh 2. 56 Gate's resignation: that means it will end.

Ambubachi Tithi Ambubachi Tithi Reviewed by Debjeet on June 23, 2023 Rating: 5

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