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(Ministry of Education, Govt. of India)

(For M.Phil./Ph.D./PDF Scholars in Social Sciences)

(22 - 31 AUGUST 2023)

Organised by

Deptt. of Humanities and Social Sciences

National Institute of Technology Patna

(An Institute of National Importance under Ministry of Education, Govt. of India)

Ashok Rajpath, Patna- 800005,Bihar


Prof. P. K. Jain

Director, NIT Patna

Course Director

Dr. Deepak Kumar Behera

Associate Professor & Head

Deptt. of HSS, NIT Patna

Co-Course Director

Dr. Sukhdev Singh

Assistant Professor

Deptt. of HSS, NIT Patna

About the Course:

Course on Research Methodology is very much

important for a researcher to know all the aspects

and steps of research process in order to make it

systematic to a greater degree. It has the objective of

enhancing research skills of the scholars and

provides a unique opportunity for the participants to

make them familiar with the various aspects, tools

and steps of conducting social science research. This

will acquaint students with critical trends and

methodologies across and beyond the social science

disciplines which would serve as inputs at the

finalization stage of their own research questions to

help shape and direct their research. During the

workshop attempts will be made to blend social

science philosophy, theory and practical aspects

pertaining to research. Thus, the workshop will focus

not only on the theoretical and philosophical

dimensions as well as rationale upon which social

research needs to be based but also acquaints the

participants with the latest techniques, trends and

advancement in research methodology.

Objective of the Course:

The objective of this course is to give an overview of

both quantitative and qualitative research methods. In

the former method, the emphasis is laid on

quantification of variables within a well-established

numerical system. In the latter method, the focus is

on the non-numerical, or descriptive, data. Since the

description is usually comprehensive or thick, the

qualitative research brings out the lived experience.

Similarly, the emphasis is on the development of a

researcher’s outlook that possibly helps them in

proposing novel research questions and hypotheses.

Thus, one of the prime objectives of the Research

Methodology Course is to provide the participants an

in-depth introduction to quantitative and qualitative

research methods, the types of debates that exist on

these methods, and how and where both methods

converge. Moreover, participants’ critical outlook will

be developed through this course.

Course Coverage:

The course will be conducted in both lecture and

interactive mode. In addition to the interactive

classroom lectures, the participants will also be

introduced how to use the free software. The course

will cover the following topics:

Nature of Scientific Methods and their

Application to Social Phenomena

Nature, Importance and Scope of Research.

Types of Research

Steps in the Process of Research

Types of Research Design

Research Tools

Survey Method and Sampling

Qualitative and Quantitative Research

Application of Statistics in Social Science


Ethical issues in social science research

Academic Writing

Ethics in Academic Writing

Preparation of Research Proposal

Publication Process

E-library Training

About the Institute:

National Institute of Technology Patna is the 18th

National Institute of Technology created by the

Ministry of HRD., Government of India, after

rechristening the erstwhile Bihar College of

Engineering Patna on 28. 01. 2004. The Institute has

been declared as an Institute of National Importance

and granted a fully autonomous status by the Ministry

of Education, Government of India. The Institute has

also been declared as a Centre of Excellence which

imparts high level education training, research and

development in engineering, technology, science,

and the humanities. It is imparting high quality

education & values through its UG, PG & PhD

programmes led by the experienced faculty who are

well-versed in their respective fields with wellequipped

laboratories. The institute aims at setting very high education standards and holds a long

record of academic excellence. The pedagogical

aspects have been formulated to suit not only the

needs of the contemporary industrial requirements

but also develop human potential to its fullest extent

in a range of professions. Ever since its rechristening,

the Institute has been on the fast-track of

development and has undergone numerous facelifts

because of which placement records have witnessed

unprecedented growth and is touching new heights

as the graph of placement is increasing remarkably.

Institute is placed 56th rank among engineering

colleges in India by the National Institutional Ranking

Framework (NIRF) in 2023.

About the Department:

With an interdisciplinary perspective at the heart of its

approach, the Department of Humanities and Social

Sciences at the National Institute of Technology

Patna provides intellectual and cultural foundations

for the study of human relations with society

interaction and teaching towards problem solving of

the nation in contemporary contexts. The

Department, with its diverse expertise offers students

to various courses like Communicative English,

Social and Professional Ethics, Sociology and

Building Economics, Industrial Economics and

Financial Management, Business Environment and

Indian Economy, Intellectual Property Rights etc. in

the UG programme that aims at developing essential

skills in critical thinking and writing along with the

knowledge of literature, society, economic value, and

philosophies of the mind and body. The Department

also offers Doctoral programmes in English,

Economics, and Sociology.

Resource Persons for the Course:

Experts for the Research Methodology course would

be from different reputed academic institutions like

IITs, NITs, Central Universities, ICSSR institutes and

State Universities for lecture and hands-on sessions.

Eligibility Criteria:

The course is for research scholars pursuing their

M.Phil./Ph.D./PDF in the humanities and social

sciences at any recognized Indian university or

research institute. Selection will be done on the basis

of candidate’s current status of his/her research work.

Total Intake for the Course:

The maximum intake for the Research Methodology

course shall be 30 (10 seats for the participants

outside the state, 10 from the state and 10 seats will

be for the local participants). The intake may vary

depending on the situation prevailing at that the time.

The selection committee will select the participants

from different disciplines of humanities and social

sciences to make the course interdisciplinary in

nature. Notification for selected candidates will be

communicated through the registered email.

Attendance for all the sessions is mandatory or else

the certificate shall not be issued.

How to Register:

Interested participants can apply for the course by

submitting the following scanned documents (in a

single PDF file) to the Course Director at

dkb@nitp.ac.in :

 Filled Application Form (in 1 page)

 Brief CV of the applicant (Maximum 2 pages)

 Ph.D./M.Phil. /PDF Registration certificates (in 1 page)

 Attested copy of caste/ community certificate of

ST/SC/OBC/Minority [if applicable] ( in 1 page)

 A write up on your current status of the research

and the reasons for participation in the course (in 1 page)

Incomplete application forms will be liable to be

rejected. It will be mandatory for the selected

candidates to submit the hard copy of the application

form with all supporting documents at the time of joining the course.

Important Dates:

Last date for applying: 28th July 2023

Intimation to selected candidates: 01st August 2023

Confirmation by selected candidates: 04th August 2023

Date of commencement of course: 22-31 August 2023

Registration Fees, Accommodation and Travel:

There is NO REGISTRATION FEES for this Ten

Days Research Methodology Course for the selected

participants. Modest accommodation will be provided

to the outstation participants only. Travel allowance

by the shortest distance (sleeper class train or actual

bus fare) will be reimbursed to the outstation

participants as per the ICSSR guidelines subject to

the production of ticket.

How to Reach NIT Patna:

NIT Patna is situated on the South bank of river

Ganges behind Gandhi Ghat, which is one of the

most important and sacred places of Patna. The

Institute campus is 8 Km from the Patna junction

railway station and 20 Km from the Jai Prakash

Narayan International Airport, Patna. It is also well

connected to other parts of the nation via Bihar State

Road Transport Corporation (BSRTC) and some

private travel services.

Organizing Committee:

All Faculty Members, Dept. of HSS, NIT Patna


Research Scholars, Dept. of HSS, NIT Patna

For all correspondence, please contact:

Course Director:

Dr. Deepak Kumar Behera

Email: dkb@nitp.ac.in Mob: 9557805425

Co-Course Director:

Dr. Sukhdev Singh

Email: singhs@nitp.ac.in Mob: 9709903202

TEN DAYS RESEARCH METHODOLOGY COURSE (ICSSR SPONSORED (Ministry of Education, Govt. of India) TEN DAYS RESEARCH METHODOLOGY COURSE (ICSSR SPONSORED (Ministry of Education, Govt. of India) Reviewed by Debjeet on July 03, 2023 Rating: 5

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