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National Webinar On “Interrelation Between Yoga and Health “

 National Webinar On “Interrelation Between Yoga and Health “

The Suggested sub themes:
 1. Yoga and its Fallacies.
 2. Yoga and Mental health.
 3. Yoga and Spiritual state.
 4. The assimilation of Yoga in modern life.
 5. Stress management through Yoga.
 6. Difference between Pranayam and Vyayam.
 7. The inter-relationship between Patanjal yoga’s yam , niyam and Health.
 8. My experiences of Yoga.
 9. Physical body treatment through Yoga.
 10. Corona period and Yoga.
 11. Yoga through digital medium and health.
 12. Various concepts of Yoga.
 13. Ashtang Yoga and a wholesome Indian society.
Call for Research Paper :
 Send your research articles for publication in webinar booklet to srjnmhwebinar@gmail.com.
 The last date for the submission is 14th August 2023.
 Selected articles will be published in the booklet. 
 Research article should be in Times New Roman in font 12 or krutidev or Mangal font and the word limit of article is 2000 words.
 Top 5 selected papers will be allowed to be read during the webinar.
 Proceedings of the webinar will be published in book form.
 E-certificate will be provided to only those participants who will attend the complete webinar and submit feedback form during the 
 Participants are requested to send the final copy of their article for print. No editing will be done after submission of article.
Registration Link: (No Registration Fee ) 

National Webinar On “Interrelation Between Yoga and Health “ National Webinar  On “Interrelation Between Yoga and Health “ Reviewed by Debjeet on August 09, 2023 Rating: 5

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