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Gender Equality


Gender Equality


Men and women are two wheels of the same car, one moving slightly and the other showing its effect. Men and women complement each other. One only works with the other. But in the same equality, the male race does not like it if women advance even a little. Men and women are complementary, but the equality of men is preferred as long as women move with him but do not precede him.

Meaning of gender equality

Equality means that every person has an opportunity for their growth and personality development. Every person should be treated equally, and no particular class has this right. A woman and a man are also brought into the category of equality on the same basis. But in the civilization and culture of our country, especially regarding gender equality, our society proves its participation. Due to this, our community has created an idea that women are always weak and men are always strong. And these differences have been going on for centuries.

Equality in every development of men and women

It is the right of every child not to be discriminated against in their development. But due to the difference between boys and girls, even today, children are not seen to grow well. Even today, sweets are distributed when a boy is born and killed when a girl is born. Discrimination between them has been going on for centuries, and the same practices are followed today. In today's modern era, women are ahead of men in all fields. He walks shoulder to shoulder-with them. Still, judging by the time of birth, girls' survival rate is higher globally. India is the only country where the death rate of girls is high, and they are not allowed to study or they are not allowed to drop out of school.

What is gender equality?

Gender equality is the state where all people, regardless of their biological differences, have easy and equal access to all opportunities, resources, etc. In building their future, economic participation, social work, life, decision-making, education, or any position or field should be allowed; no difference is called equality. Men and women.

Differences in gender equality from childhood

The lack of equality between men and women in India can be seen in childhood. As children, boys can go outside and play. They love more than girls. The same neglect applies to girls. Girls are made to think that they are a woman and should come first in household work, and therefore, they learn household chores like sweeping, cooking, washing dishes, and laundry at a young age. If a boy does this, he is scolded that you are not made for this; his job is only to sit at home and eat with women. Because you are human and all this does not suit you, this mentality is more common in rural areas of our country. However, over the years, this type of mentality has been on the wane. Older adults used to think men had to work outside and run the family and women had to take care of the house.

Gender equality in education

If you want to see the equality of men and women, you can see it in the field of education. The OECD is a development organization whose sole objective is to provide education at a glance to the individual. Through the OECD, an organization formed in the 1960s, he observed across the country that financial and human resources invested in education would help governments improve the learning environment of schools so that there was no disparity between men and women and so happened. According to him, the level of education is very high, and the level of education is constantly increasing. These layers can be seen in every area. In today's society, not only a man but also a woman is making a good place in science, technology, engineering and, mathematics, statistics. When the woman is piloting the plane, so the sky is reaching the height, men and women are equal in all respects. Today, if a man earns and brings him home, the woman is no less. She also runs the house, where she does the housework, takes care of the children, and even takes care of other household members.

 Gender equality in economics

In our country, a gender equality workplace is where she works outside the home to support her family. There is also discrimination. Even today, the male society wants to see women at a lower level than themselves. Be it our country or any country in the world; this mentality is seen everywhere: a woman must always become more melancholy than a man. Although more capable than his colleague, he is not allowed to overtake. Even if the woman tries to come forward, she is scolded behind her back or insulted with bad words. Today, when women are equal to men in all respects, why such a mentality? Purusha Varna should not question her competence and bring clarity to her thinking. Sometimes, in hiring and promoting women, try to encourage them or, once together for them, try to praise them. There is no difference between us and them; think and see like this. Only then can it be felt that gender discrimination in today's society will end? Through this, not only in a house, a family but the entire country will improve so fast that there will be no evils like poverty, helplessness, or hunger.

Gender equality within the four walls of the house

Today's women are shining the country's name out of the house. Even today, men have created the idea that domestic work is for women and work outside the home is for men. Because if he does housework, people will make fun of him, and society will laugh at him. Why can't men do housework when women can work outside the home? When a woman can take care of children, why can't a man? As a man has hands and feet, so is a woman or woman. Yet why is it that only women are oppressed everywhere? This is because of the traditions, customs and orthodox thinking caused by some of our country's elders, which is not called the end. But this, too, can be solved. If an educated person comes forward and creates an idea in society that men and women are equal everywhere, then this inequality can be changed. However, in this race of modernity, gender equality is beginning to emerge, which is very good for the progress of society and the country.

Too much gender equality is harmful

Equality between men and women may be the most important basis of his life, which is essential for society. Patriarchal thinking needs to end. But only where it is necessary because extreme similarities sometimes lead to situations of difference, which are even more shocking. Because equality does not mean that we accept Western civilization and forget our culture and society. Excessive discounting can also be very harmful, which we can imagine by looking at our children living in the race of modernity. This information is available to all men and women and society.


Equality between men and women is essential, and this equality is visible everywhere. Be it the field of education, home, or our workplace. Wherever there is modernity or new thinking, whatever is needed should be there. It is said that too much of everything is harmful. I do not mean that women should not advance or shine the name of their country. A woman can move forward, but whether she is just a woman or a man, she must ensure she does not lose her culture, customs, honour, respect, etc., in the pursuit of equality. So, equality is necessary, but whether male or female, they must also have boundaries.


Gender Equality Gender Equality Reviewed by Debjeet on September 15, 2023 Rating: 5

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