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One of our fundamental demands is for communication. For personal and professional reasons, we must communicate with many individuals. However, there could be various obstacles or issues when speaking. Sometimes, the communication needs to be transmitted correctly or be misplaced. There is a danger that the sender or the recipient will misinterpret. The language used in touch could be better comprehended. This leads to a breakdown or failure in communication. The causes of the communication process's issues are several. Let's take a closer look at the communication barriers.


Definition of the Barrier to Communication:


"Any obstacle or problem in the process of Communication which hinders/obstructs the process of Communication is called a Barrier,"


Barriers are a natural element of the communication process. We encode and decode every time we communicate. We transmit communications using a variety of channels. There may be issues with the communication process at any level, at any time, or stage. The sender might occasionally use improper language that the recipient won't comprehend. The receiver might not be able to decode correctly. There can be a lot of noise around us that bothers us. It rarely happens for impediments to communication not to appear. There are frequently mental barriers between the sender and the recipient. The receivers do not receive the intended messages.


Types of Barriers: While communicating, there are various obstacles. Several impediments may complicate the process of communication. The following categories are used to group these impediments.


1. Physical or environmental barriers: The Barriers in the surrounding or in the environment are the physical barriers.


2.Language/Semantic or Linguistic Barriers: Communication issues might result from barriers brought on by various languages or linguistic variances. Semantic barriers are issues brought on by the multiple ways words can be understood.


3. Psychological Barriers: Psychological barriers are obstacles or issues brought on by stress or psychological problems. Accepting and overcoming these barriers is challenging.


4.Socio-Cultural Barriers: Communication difficulties frequently result from social status inequalities or cultural barriers. These impediments are sociocultural.




1. Physical Barriers: Our environment and surroundings often present us with barriers. These obstacles make communication complex and precise.


Physical Barrier Examples


Noise: Traffic Communication disruptions in factories are caused by noise or mechanical noise. In India, noise pollution is the primary cause of environmental degradation.


Distance and time: Communication can suffer greatly when people are separated by physical space. There are different time zones around the world. We must adjust to the country's time difference because international time zones differ.


Defects in Communication Systems: The tools or devices used for communication, such as telephones, facsimiles, and computers, frequently need help with issues. The Internet network and the microphone or microphones utilized in the programming could malfunction. Excessive rain or other natural disasters compromise the equipment's ability to operate correctly. Messages may need to be sent properly, or communications may be lost due to electronic power failure.

Wrong Selection of Medium: The term "medium" refers to the tools used for communication, such as emails, mobile phones, and telephones. A suitable medium is required. The messages may be delayed by incorrect usage of specific devices, such as email.

High temperatures and humidity: Extreme temperatures, such as heat or cold, make communication challenging.

Physical human flaws like stuttering, poor hearing, clogged communication channels, and poor handwriting often lead to misunderstandings in the comprehension of the message.


2. Language Barriers: People may become confused due to barriers resulting from differences in language, word meaning, or pronunciation. Language-related terms are linguistic. Semantic refers to a word's meaning. Here are a few instances of language obstacles.

Communication barriers may be caused by different languages or a need for a common language. Communication is difficult for someone whose native tongue or even a foreign language is beyond their comprehension. This situation becomes quite challenging.


Multiplicity of words: Individual words mean diverse things. Word power is a blessing to humans, but it may also cause communication issues because words can have various meanings or spellings.

Homophones, or words with the same pronunciation but differing meanings, sometimes hinder communication—for instance, exclude-accept, fair-fare, counsel-counsel, principle-principle, etc.

 Professions such as engineers, doctors, and others employ jargon or technical terminology. Jargon terms are frequently used inadvertently. However, complications arise for regular people or those who do not comprehend the meaning of these words.


By-passed Instructions: This means that messages are often passed using shortcuts. For instance, a manager instructed the newly hired secretary to burn the CD. She set it on fire. He wanted to duplicate the CD.

3.Psychological Barriers:

 Psyche is the Latin word for mind. There are mental barriers caused by psychology. Understanding the human mind is a highly challenging task. Conflicts arise frequently in our lives due to circumstances or external factors. These obstacles must, therefore, appear. However, the fundamental issue is that many need to acknowledge the existence of these mental barriers. Psychological blocks are often produced due to status, advancing age, and ego issues. These are challenging to go through. Because many refuse to acknowledge their unions or their lack of preparation for the outside world, these scenarios or instances represent psychological obstacles.

Ego: 'I' An attitude that says "I'm great" might lead to mental barriers. Ego boundaries cause conflict in human relationships.


Prejudice: Bias [incorrect view] about people based on their caste, community, religion, or personal characteristics is particularly detrimental to communication. Communication might be hampered by prejudice.


Emotions and feelings: The sender's or receiver's emotional disturbances might modify or distort the communication.


Halo Effect: A person's likes or dislikes might produce a halo or horn effect. There may be a communicative impact.


Self-Image: Positive or negative self-images influence how we perceive the world. Communication can be destroyed or hampered by a negative self-image. Such people tend to think negatively and do not consider items or situations adequately.


Message filtering: Messages are purposefully filtered [modified]. Whenever there is an issue, we constantly attempt to defend or protect ourselves, which frequently results in inferiors changing our communications.


Closed Mind: We often have closed minds that prevent us from learning new things. This issue is seen with aging or a change in attitude. This is yet another major communication obstacle.


Status: Status puts up barriers for workers. Status differences might make it challenging to think or interact with others. Due to status hurdles, people retain their distance when speaking.


Perceptions: Our communication strategy is based on how we perceive or feel about the world. Incorrect or unfavorable views cause communication problems. People with negative perspectives or negative thoughts view everything or any occurrence unfavorably.


Poor Retention: It's crucial to recall or retain the information. However, if it is subpar, communication will be challenging.


Interest and Attitude: Communication strategy is determined by people's interests and attitudes. Poor attitude or lack of interest can result in ineffective communication.


Day-dreaming: Many students tend to daydream or think about something else during a lecture or discussion. As a result, messages need to be delivered appropriately, and communication is hampered.


Social and cultural barriers refer to a way of life, beliefs, or guiding principles. Cultural differences can create obstacles. Everywhere in the world, several religious traditions are practiced. Time zone discrepancies between cultures might lead to communication breakdowns. People from all over the world are traveling and working for multinational corporations or companies due to globalization and business practices that have been liberalized. As a result, individuals began mingling or mixing. However, because of disparities in language, religion, attire, and eating habits, people frequently become perplexed and are unable to communicate effectively. This caused a breakdown in communication. The following are some illustrations of sociocultural obstacles.

Time Concept: Different civilizations have different ideas about their time. Time matters in Western society. Time is spent casually in Asian culture. Different cultures have other ideas about punctuality.

Assumptions on the caste system or social classes. India has a caste system in place. However, there are social divisions of some kind in every culture, whether they take the shape of sects, communal divisions, or religious beliefs. Because of caste or class systems, we shouldn't automatically presume that someone is superior or inferior.

How can the barriers be overcome?


Physical Barriers: By controlling noise, physical distance, and communication system flaws, Physical obstacles can be overcome to a certain degree. Even while we cannot wholly overcome physical barriers, such as those caused by time, distance, or machine flaws, we can exert some control over them. All people must make an effort to get past physical obstacles.


Language Barrier: Overcoming Language Barriers takes a lot of work. Before learning a new language, respect should be shown for all languages. The process of learning a foreign language is laborious. So, we may master a language by mastering the proper pronunciation, accent, and vocabulary [word power]. Only once our listening abilities are improved will language be adequately understood.

Psychological Barriers: Overcoming or resolving psychological barriers can indeed be challenging. Acceptance of one's flaws or limitations is necessary. The understanding of human life will result from this. People refuse to acknowledge their flaws or restrictions. This causes a lot of issues. We must treat others with respect and humility. The sender and recipient must be in the right frame of mind. Therefore, this causes communication issues. Because of that, issues such as misunderstanding, lack of interest, and mental and bodily disruption may arise. Superiors and everyone reporting to them should try to solve the problems.

Sociocultural Barriers: By properly studying different cultures, these Barriers can be removed. Learning new cultural values, observing people, and respecting their civilizations are crucial. We must cultivate an open mind in this area. We need to comprehend how other individuals behave.

Short Cut

Kinds of Barriers to Communication

1. Physical Barrier
2. Language Barrier
3. Cultural Barrier
4. Emotional Barrier
5. Individual
6. Lack of Subject Knowledge
7. Stress
8. Attitudinal Barrier
9. Channel Barrier


BARRIERS TO COMMUNICATION BARRIERS TO COMMUNICATION Reviewed by Debjeet on October 06, 2023 Rating: 5

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