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Merry Christmas


Merry Christmas

Received from P Officer (Photo)

December 25 is the most special day for Christians. Christmas is celebrated all over the world. Even though December winter is approaching, the world's people do not hesitate to enjoy the festival. This day is celebrated as the birthday of Jesus Christ. Everyone enjoyed the celebration by cutting cakes, singing songs, and exchanging gifts. The surroundings are decorated with Christmas trees, Santa Claus and colourful lights. However, the question arises in the mind of many people: why is December 25 celebrated as Christmas? Was Jesus born on this day? But this curiosity exists in people. But let us know the real reason for celebrating Christmas -

 According to the Bible, no date of birth of Jesus Christ is mentioned! But according to history, Jesus Christ was born in the lap of the virgin Mother Mary on December 25 in Bethlehem. Jesus is called the Son of God. It is said that initially, this day was not celebrated as a festival, but hundreds of years after his death, his birthday was celebrated on December 25 in Sambar.

 According to historical opinion, December 25 was first celebrated as Christmas in Rome before the birth of Jesus. Pope Julius later officially declared this day as the birthday of Jesus Christ.

Many people think that ice will have accumulated in various places due to the high incidence of colds in December. Roman people worshipped the sun on this day to escape the cold. Later, this day was celebrated as the birthday of Jesus Christ to attract these people to Christianity. This festival of Christians is celebrated in the same way as Hindu Durga Puja is celebrated in Sambar. The celebration started on the night of December 24. Different places of the world are decorated with light. Christians remember Jesus by worshipping Jesus, eating and drinking, exchanging gifts, singing, chatting, and decorating their houses. Christmas is spent with family and social gatherings. Christians and people of all religions in India wait for this winter festival.

 History of the festival:

This Christmas festival is associated with the birth of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is believed to have been born as the son of Mary in the cold season of 500-600 BC. She later became known as Mother Mary.

That child became known as Jesus and grew up to instil love and harmony among people and keep people away from evil with a message of peace. Jesus is considered the incarnation of God because he was born from the womb of the virgin Mary. After her birth, angels in heaven informed Mary that she was the embodiment of God.

The day December 25 does not represent the exact day of Jesus Christ's birth, but on this day, he is remembered for his sacrifice, preaching, and wisdom of life as an ambassador of peace. There are many religious traditions behind it.

Christmas Santa Claus:

The name of Santa Claus is inextricably linked with Christmas. This figure is most prevalent in Christmas celebrations with his proverbial delivery of gifts to children. Many believe the name Santa Claus is a corruption of the Dutch word Sinterklaas, meaning Saint Nicholas. Saint Nicholas, bishop of Mira in Turkey in the 4th century AD, was fond of children.

He constantly inquired about the clothing needs, education and health of the children in his area. By checking the child's value through this inquiry, he would determine whether the child is worthy of the reward. By the thirteenth century AD, the name of Bishop Saint Nicholas became known in the Netherlands, and the tradition of exchanging gifts in his term began in southern Europe. However, the United States has contributed the most to the popularity of the practice of Santa Claus in modern times.

The significance of Christmas

As we all know, it is a significant and vital Christian festival. The celebration of Christmas has a critical purpose and significance.

This Christmas celebration conveys the message of mutual love and brotherhood among all. It teaches us to live harmoniously and harmoniously among ourselves.

The primary purpose of the Christmas festival is to remove evil and spread good thoughts among each other. Sympathetic to all. Its primary goal is to share our good ideas with others through Christmas and spread happiness and peace.


Christmas teaches us to live in love and harmony. This festival is about helping poor and helpless people. People of all religions celebrate this festival with mutual love. Children mainly like this festival very much. Children love songs, jingles, and different gifts and gifts from Santa Claus make them happy forever.

Thank You Officer



Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Reviewed by Debjeet on December 25, 2023 Rating: 5

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