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Important Verbs Forms:


Some important verbs forms are given here :-

Present/ Past/ Past Participle/ Present Participle

Present                         Past                    Past Participle        Present Particile  

V1                              V2                         V3                       V3

arise                       arose                        arisen                       arising             

awake awoke awaken awaking

be (is/am/are) was, were been being

bear bore borne bearing

become became become becoming

begin began begun beginning

bet bet bet betting

bite bit bitten biting

blow blew blown blowing

break broke broken breaking

bring brought brought bringing

build built built building

burn burned/burnt burned/burnt burning

burst burst burst bursting

buy bought bought buying

catch caught caught catching

choose chose chosen choosing

cut cut cut cutting

dig dug dug digging

dream dreamed/dreamt dreamed/dreamt dreaming

drive drove driven driving

fall fell fallen falling

feel felt felt feeling

fight fought fought fighting

find found found finding

fly flew flown flying

forget forgot forgotten forgetting

forgive forgave forgiven forgiving

freeze froze frozen freezing

give gave given giving

grow grew grown growing

hang hung hung hanging

hide hid hidden hiding

hold held held holding

hurt hurt hurt hurting

keep kept kept keeping

know knew known knowing

lay laid laid laying

lie lay lain lying

lie lied lied lying

learn learned/learnt learned/learnt learning

leave left left leaving

lend lent lent lending

lose lost lost losing

make made made making

meet met met meeting

pay paid paid paying

put put put putting

read read read reading

ride rode ridden riding

ring rang rung ringing

sell sold sold selling

send sent sent sending

show showed showed/shown showing

shut shut shut shutting

sing sang sung singing

sleep slept slept sleeping

spend spent spent spending

spread spread spread spreading

swim swam swum swimming

teach taught taught teaching

tear tore torn tearing

think thought thought thinking

throw threw thrown throwing

understand understood understood understanding

weep wept wept weeping

win won won winning

Important Verbs Forms: Important Verbs Forms: Reviewed by Debjeet on January 19, 2024 Rating: 5

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