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Biography Of The Life Of Dr Johnson

 “The Life of Dr. Johnson” by ‘James Buswell’ is a monumental work in biographical Literature. It was first published in London in 1791. Dr. Johnson also known as Samuel Johnson was an English poet, essayist and lexicographer who produced a pioneering and influential Dictionary of the English Language.

“The Life of Johnson is assuredly
 a great, a very great work.
 Homer is not more decidedly the
 first of the heroic poets, Shakespeare
 is not more decidedly the first
 of dramatists,
 Demosthenes is not more decidedly
 the first of orators, than
 Boswell is the first of biographers.”

Biography Of The Life Of Dr Johnson Biography Of The Life Of Dr Johnson Reviewed by Debjeet on May 02, 2024 Rating: 5

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