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Exam Preparation Tips: Exam Ahead? Adequate sleep is required with regular preparation


Preparation According to Rules

Exam preparation cannot be done at once. Study should be done step by step. Preparation will be easy if you study the syllabus that way. One should not read everything in haste before the exam.

Follow the Diet

Eating and drinking rules should be followed before the exam. Many people overeat due to worry. Many do not eat properly. They shouldn't. Nutritious food should be eaten. It is necessary to keep easily digestible menu in the diet.

Adequate Sleep is Required

You can't study continuously without sleep. Many people study at night. It is very bad for health. If you wake up at night, you don't sleep. As a result, fatigue may come during the exam the next day.

Rest Before Starting the Test

Books should be kept at least one hour before the exam starts. Many read books before entering the exam hall. That can increase the problem. There is no special benefit in studying at that time. Rather, you should keep a cool head until then.

Talk to the People of the House

Family always helps the most. Talk to someone at home. Strength of mind will come. It will help during the exam.

It is important to understand the question

It is necessary to understand the question and answer it. Don't get stuck there if you don't understand a question. Should move on to the next question. Then the time will not be wasted in the examination hall.

Light exercise, morning walk, stretching can also be practiced for a long time. This practice will help in reducing exam preparation fatigue.


Exam Preparation Tips: Exam Ahead? Adequate sleep is required with regular preparation Exam Preparation Tips: Exam Ahead? Adequate sleep is required with regular preparation Reviewed by Debjeet on May 02, 2024 Rating: 5

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