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Communicative English_Course Outline


                 Course Title: Communicative English            L-T-P: 3-0-2


Course Code: Credits: 4


Course Objective

This course will provide an opportunity to the students to improve their English language skills required for independent and effective communication in professional and social contexts.


Course Material

Instruction will be provided through appropriate material-articles from textbooks and also from popular magazines, newspapers, technical journals, samples from industries. Practice in four language skills necessary for students’ specific technical requirement will be provided in an integrated manner through sessions in the language Laboratory.


Course Content (Theory and Lab)


Unit I: Communication (5 Lectures & 1 Session) CO1

Introduction, Objective and Importance of Communication, Process and Levels of

Communication, Flow of Communication, Communication Barriers, Non-Verbal Communication


Language Lab: Practice Sessions on Learning Strategies for Effective Communication.


Unit II: Applied Grammar and Usage (7 Lectures & 1 Session) CO2

Construction of Sentences, Subject-Verb Concord, Tenses, Moods of Verb, Active and Passive Voice. Direct and Indirect Speech, Punctuation Marks, Common Errors and Misappropriations


Language Lab: Tenses; Nouns; Pronouns; Forms of Verb; Adjectives; Adverbs; Prepositions; Conjunctions; Articles; Direct & Indirect Speech; Active & Passive Voices; and Modals


Unit III: Building Advanced Vocabulary (5 Lectures & 1 Session) CO3

Word Formation, Synonyms, Antonyms, Homonyms and Homophones, Words Often Confused, One Word Substitution, Phrasal Verbs, Idiomatic Expressions, Developing Technical Vocabulary, Eponyms


Language Lab: Practice Exercises on Building Vocabulary Knowledge.


Unit IV: Listening Skills (5 Lectures & 2 Sessions) CO4

Meaning and Art of Listening, Listening Modes, Types of Listening, Barriers to Listening,

Traits of a Good Listener, Listening for General Content and Specific Information


Language Lab: System of Sounds (Tongue & Lip Movements, Phonetic Chart, Vowels &

Consonants, Syllables & Diphthongs), Letters, & Words; Voice Modulation, Intonation &

Stress; Description of Pictures, Recipes & Surroundings; and Stories.


Unit V: Speaking Skills (5 Lectures & 2 Sessions) CO5

Introduction, Basic Sounds of English, Word Stress, Weak Forms in English, Sentence Stress, Intonation, Practice in Achieving Confidence, Clarity and Fluency, Effective Presentation Skills.


Language Lab: Practice of Listening Activities; Recognition & Correction of Mother Tongue Influences; Conversations at Educational Institutions (with Teachers, Students & Staff), Home (Family, Relatives & Friends) & Markets; and Speaking or Presenting on a Topic.


Unit VI: Reading and Study Skills (5 Lectures & 2 Sessions) CO6

The Art of Effective Reading, Reading Comprehension, Techniques for Good

Comprehension, Note Taking and Note Making


Language Lab: Reading of Fundamentals of Grammar; News Reports; Billboard

Advertisements; Idioms & Phrases; and Reading Comprehension (Stories & Paragraphs).


Unit VII: Writing Skills (5 Lectures & 3 Sessions) CO7

The Art of Condensation, Paragraph Writing, Formal Letters, Memos, and Email,

Job Application and Résumé/ CV, Report Writing, Technical Proposals, Other Business Writings


Language Lab: Practice of Fundamentals of Grammar, Listening Activities, Speaking Activities & Reading Activities; Description of Pictures, Surroundings & Historical Monuments; Summation Writing; Letters; Essays; Reports; Making Notes; Finding Common Errors in Writing; and Filling of Forms


Unit VIII: Professional Interaction (5 Lectures & 2 Sessions) CO8

Introduction, Conversations and Dialogues, Job Interviews, Formal Presentation, Group Discussion


Language Lab: Self-Introduction; Johari Window; Body Language; Group Discussion; Work in Teams; CV or Resumé; Interview; Hygiene (Personal & Public); and Management of Time.




“I have always depended on the kindness of strangers”

Communicative English_Course Outline Communicative English_Course Outline Reviewed by Debjeet on August 28, 2024 Rating: 5

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