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Post-Structuralism (Deconstruction)


 Post-Structuralism (Deconstruction)

As we have seen in the previous topic on Structuralism… 'Things cannot be understood in isolation…they should  be understood as the part of the larger structure they belong'…and also seen the examples…if we want to understand what a chair is, we must know what a Table, sofa-set, bed, show-case etc is. It means simply that the meaning is 'relational'…one object's meaning is dependent upon the others. But have you noticed that the meaning is jumping from one object to another…from Chair>Table>Bed>Sofa>Show-case>Furniture and many more? Yes…it is transferring to other objects. If you want to understand Chair…you must know Table. The Chair is a chair because it is not a table. Black is black because it is not white, green or orange. So, the meaning is transferring, jumping, and passing to the other objects. It's a kind of 'binary opposition'…one is one because it is not two. Till it is okay. But here, the post-structuralist tries to find out the fault…and it leads to the theory of  'Deconstruction.' How? Let's see.

As per 'the theory of relativity' by Einstein…the whole universe is moving. The Earth is moving around the sun, the sun is moving with galaxies, millions of galaxies are moving, and so is the universe. What we understand about 'time' and  'space' is 'relative.' Time – we count it with seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, and ages and so on…but it is in relation. Space – from millimeter to light years…again in relation. Why in relation…because not a single thing in the universe is stable…everything is in motion…moving and moving and moving. There is no  'fixed pole' in the universe to measure the development…only to count in relation. The same thing is true of Structuralism - the meaning is jumping and jumping and jumping. There is no fixed pole to determine the true meaning of the objects. The Chair is a chair because we understand it is not a Table, a Table is a table because it is not a bed etc. etc. This is how we watch things. It makes a kind of structure in our minds. But if we start to analyze minutely…this structure starts to vanish…because we have no fixed pole that tells us the true meaning. We always have to depend on something else. Now, move to language…Sign (word) and Signifier (sound) and the object (Signified) are not the same. The word 'tree' (t, r, e, e) doesn't mean the same…we have associated the meaning externally. In different languages, the 'tree' is called with different pronunciations ('Ped' in Hindi, 'Zad' in  Marathi and many more).

Pronunciations or utterances or signifiers do not represent the objects  (signified)…So, there is no fixed pole to determine the meaning…and here the genuine problem begins. The meaning started to soar or, say, float aimlessly…and pointing it or fixing it in a particular structure becomes impossible. It is called post-structuralism. Post-structuralism is a theory, while Deconstruction is practice. When you start to find of the relation between Sign, Signifier and Signified…it is not one-to-one…and still, we try our best to fix everything in a structure…without a stable center or, say, a fixed pole. The result is inevitable – D E C O N S T R U C T I ON…!

Now, see the example (or mis-example) of Deconstruction. Take the famous quotes… 'My luv is like a red rose  that has sprung in June.' A structuralist finds it as a love poem and starts to structuralize it. But post-structuralist deconstructs the poem. How?

My Luv is like a red rose. Take any word/phrase/idea from it. Okay.. we take 'rose.' Rose is a flower…so the sunflower, lily, lotus, and many more. Flower plants are different in their structure than the other plants. What are other plants…description starts..???????? Okay. It is the red rose. There may be yellow, white, blue and lavender-colored roses. Now, color and their description start…???????? Then, the word 'red' is used two times. Why? Poetic device…reinforcement of the objects…what are the other poetic devices…description starts…?????? So it is a poem…love poem. There are also other genres like novels, drama etc. description starts. Love poem…. poem of war/person/incident….description starts. Now the grammatical structure of the line….description starts…???????

Now move to pronunciation…sign, Signifier and signified…it is different in different languages…in Hindi, gualb,  roza in Tamil…, the description starts…???? Again, the word, its meaning and etymology (origin)…????

How can you analyze a poem? How can you structuralize the poem? The meaning is jumping and jumping and jumping, and there is no fixed center or pole to determine the development. It's just like a Nuclear Chain Reaction.  So, reading the poem becomes chaos…it has been deconstructed. It is a kind of 'reading the text against itself.'

You lose the charm of the poem. None on Earth has read a single piece of literature using the deconstruction method. Keep in mind that although Deconstruction is a practice, it also has a philosophical base – in the writing of Foucault, Derrida, Barthes, and many more post-structuralists.

Post-Structuralism (Deconstruction) Post-Structuralism (Deconstruction) Reviewed by Debjeet on September 05, 2024 Rating: 5

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