Challenges to Human Rights:
There have been some significant and Delightful changes globally in the last few years. Even after the end of the Cold War, economic Cold War-like conditions prevailed. The fear of nuclear destruction is disappearing and the fear of a new weapon is emerging. More emphasis is being placed on economic issues than political ones. Technological advances have made the world smaller and closer to each other, so that all issues, especially economic ones, can be solved by cooperating with each other. This awareness is being formed. With the increase in exchanges, today's world economy has become more open.
Human rights are fundamental human rights. Human rights are universal and equal for all. These rights are innate, or may be legal. The next few are considered major human rights. Right to life, freedom from torture, freedom from slavery, right to a fair trial, freedom of speech, freedom of thought.The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Human Rights Committee are two organizations working to promote human rights globally. The United Nations is an international organization with the stated goals of facilitating cooperation in the areas of international law, international security, economic development, social progress, human rights and achieving world peace. This organization was established after World War II in place of the United Nations to stop wars and dialogue between nations. Human rights are related to development. As a result, radical thinking around the world today is beginning to think radically about the validity of development models and measuring dimensions, and there is a huge question mark over what we traditionally call development. When it comes to human rights, the growth of goods and services is not just about development.
UN General Assembly Resolution 21A of 1948, Article 22 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that every member of society has the right to social security. Social security must be achieved through national efforts and international cooperation. Social, cultural and economic well-being are essential for the free development of any individual. According to Article 23 of the Declaration, every person needs the support of social rights security. The concept of social security always comes in different contexts. Its features are different. It is mentioned through social protection, social welfare and many other words. Social security is a commonly used concept. The 1944 Declaration of the International Labor Organization emphasizes the exchange of information, cooperation, and international and national action by social security organizations. Countries should be encouraged to take social security measures. The declaration said that people should have adequate income and medical facilities to meet their needs. In 1952, the International Labor Organization adopted the Social Security Declaration. It considered what emergency issues should be included in social security. This declaration is one of the main pillars of the social security of the International Trade Union Confederation. And second, they are universally accepted social security criteria based on basic social security principles. From what we can learn from experience, the social security system is a way for these people to get rid of social insecurity, poverty, human dignity and the benefits of civilization, social cohesion, democracy.
In India today, linguistics, provincialism, casteism and other emotional issues are becoming extraordinarily sharp. We are spending our time and energy in Marathi-Bihari, Hindu-Muslim, Marathi-North Indian debate. Cinematographers' birthdays, good wishes for leaders, sponsored events, cricket matches, foreign cheerleaders, statues of leaders are serious issues for us. If a terrorist attack kills a wealthy congregation in the Taj Oberoi, we open our eyes for a few days and light candles. If a scientist of Indian descent succeeds in foreign country, what is your relationship or identity with him?It tries to flatter others. All this should be avoided. The world is moving fast. If you want to get to this level of speed, you have to put in the effort, but you also have to be able to decide which topics to prioritize.
Talking about art criticism today is like talking about world peace in a war-torn world. Both peace and criticism are lost somewhere. The sense of security has been lost since 1990. This sentiment, which persisted after World War I and the Russian Revolution, was shattered by the Great Depression and Hitlerism. The lives of the people of this period were in danger and their value system could be destroyed at any moment. Neutrality was not easily achieved in such a situation. Socialism has not been able to replace capitalism.The well-planned centralized society that has emerged today is not even capitalist in the full sense. And not even democracy. The formulas of this system are managers, technicians, bureaucrats and military officers. In the future, this class will take over political and economic power by crushing the opposition of the workers. Bringing control over private property will not establish collective ownership in the true sense. These societies will be made up of giant nations instead of small nations. They will not be able to defeat each other decisively in the struggle between these superpowers for supremacy over other parts of the world. The multi-layered internal structure of these nations will have a handful of meritorious at the top and a majority semi-slavery at the bottom. In human society, the ruling class, which has a handful of numbers based on force and lies, runs the oligarchy. The replacement of one ruling class with another is the essence of all historical change. Dreams of democracy, independence, equality, fraternity, revolutionary movement and ideal state system or classless society all help the ruling class to hide its political ambitions. Power can sometimes be achieved without violence. But to sustain it, one has to rely on lies and gossip. Because we are the tool of a handful of power aspirations. In order to get help without letting the Bahujans know, they need to show the dream of human brotherhood. But when the new ruling class fully establishes itself, it places the Bahujans as subordinate servants.
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